Tristan Van Berkom

for glade3 3.7.3


This document attempts to describe how to use the Glade UI Designer core library to integrate Glade into your application and how to integrate your custom GTK+ derived widgets into the Glade UI Designer.

You can always get the latest version of this document here and you should have received a copy with the glade-3 tarball.

I. Adding your custom widgets
Introducing the Glade Catalog — How to write and install a catalog
Widget Adaptor Definitions — Adding support for custom widgets
Property Class Definitions — How to augment or define a GladePropertyClass
Python Gtk widgets support — How to write and install a catalog for a python widget library
II. Glade Core
GladeApp — The central control point of the Glade core.
GladeProject — The Glade document hub and Load/Save interface.
GladeWidget — An object wrapper for the Glade runtime environment.
GladeFixed — An object wrapper for free-form placement container widgets.
GladeProperty — An interface to properties on the GladeWidget.
GladeWidgetAdaptor — Adaptor base class to add runtime support for each widget class.
GladePropertyClass — Property Class-wide metadata.
GladeWidgetAction — Context menu and toolbar actions.
GladeCommand — An event filter to implement the Undo/Redo stack.
GladeClipboard — A list of GladeWidget objects not in any GladeProject.
GladeBaseEditor — A customisable editor
GladePlaceholder — A GtkWidget to fill empty places.
Xml Utils — An api to read and write xml.
III. Dockable Glade UI Widgets
GladeEditor — A Widget to edit a GladeWidget.
GladeEditorProperty — A generic widget to edit a GladeProperty.
GladePalette — A widget to select a GladeWidgetClass for addition.
GladeInspector — A widget for inspecting objects in a GladeProject.
GladeSignalEditor — An interface to edit signals for a GladeWidget. W
GladeDesignView — A widget to embed the workspace.
IV. Miscellaneous utilities
Glade Parameter — Parameters set in the catalog retrievable from the plugin.
Glade Utils — Welcome to the zoo.