
GladeCommand — An event filter to implement the Undo/Redo stack.


void                glade_command_push_group            (const gchar *fmt,
void                glade_command_pop_group             (void);
gboolean            glade_command_execute               (GladeCommand *command);
gboolean            glade_command_undo                  (GladeCommand *command);
gboolean            glade_command_unifies               (GladeCommand *command,
                                                         GladeCommand *other);
void                glade_command_collapse              (GladeCommand *command,
                                                         GladeCommand *other);
void                glade_command_set_property          (GladeProperty *property,
void                glade_command_set_property_value    (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);
void                glade_command_set_properties        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *old_value,
                                                         const GValue *new_value,
void                glade_command_set_properties_list   (GladeProject *project,
                                                         GList *props);
void                glade_command_set_name              (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const gchar *name);
void                glade_command_delete                (GList *widgets);
GladeWidget *       glade_command_create                (GladeWidgetAdaptor *adaptor,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder,
                                                         GladeProject *project);
void                glade_command_cut                   (GList *widgets);
void                glade_command_copy                  (GList *widgets);
void                glade_command_paste                 (GList *widgets,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder);
void                glade_command_dnd                   (GList *widgets,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder);
void                glade_command_add_signal            (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *signal);
void                glade_command_remove_signal         (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *signal);
void                glade_command_change_signal         (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *old_signal,
                                                         const GladeSignal *new_signal);
void                glade_command_set_i18n              (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean translatable,
                                                         gboolean has_context,
                                                         const gchar *context,
                                                         const gchar *comment);

Object Hierarchy



The Glade Command api allows us to view user actions as items and execute and undo those items; each GladeProject has its own Undo/Redo stack.



typedef struct {
	GladeProperty *property;
	GValue        *new_value;
	GValue        *old_value;
} GCSetPropData;

GladeProperties can be set in a list as one command, for Undo purposes; we store the list of GCSetPropData with their old and new GValue.

GladeProperty *property;

A GladeProperty to set

GValue *new_value;

The new GValue to assign to property

GValue *old_value;

The old GValue of property


typedef struct _GladeCommand GladeCommand;

glade_command_push_group ()

void                glade_command_push_group            (const gchar *fmt,

Marks the begining of a group.

fmt :

The collective desctiption of the command group. only the description of the first group on the stack is used when embedding groups.

... :

args to the format string.

glade_command_pop_group ()

void                glade_command_pop_group             (void);

Mark the end of a command group.

glade_command_execute ()

gboolean            glade_command_execute               (GladeCommand *command);

Executes command

command :

A GladeCommand

Returns :

whether the command was successfully executed

glade_command_undo ()

gboolean            glade_command_undo                  (GladeCommand *command);

Undo the effects of command

command :

A GladeCommand

Returns :

whether the command was successfully reversed

glade_command_unifies ()

gboolean            glade_command_unifies               (GladeCommand *command,
                                                         GladeCommand *other);

Checks whether command and other can be unified to make one single command.

command :

A GladeCommand

other :

another GladeCommand

Returns :

whether they can be unified.

glade_command_collapse ()

void                glade_command_collapse              (GladeCommand *command,
                                                         GladeCommand *other);

Merges other into command, so that command now covers both commands and other can be dispensed with.

command :

A GladeCommand

other :

another GladeCommand

glade_command_set_property ()

void                glade_command_set_property          (GladeProperty *property,

glade_command_set_property_value ()

void                glade_command_set_property_value    (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);

glade_command_set_properties ()

void                glade_command_set_properties        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *old_value,
                                                         const GValue *new_value,

glade_command_set_properties_list ()

void                glade_command_set_properties_list   (GladeProject *project,
                                                         GList *props);

glade_command_set_name ()

void                glade_command_set_name              (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const gchar *name);

glade_command_delete ()

void                glade_command_delete                (GList *widgets);

Performs a delete command on the list of widgets.

widgets :

a GList of GladeWidgets

glade_command_create ()

GladeWidget *       glade_command_create                (GladeWidgetAdaptor *adaptor,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder,
                                                         GladeProject *project);

Creates a new widget using adaptor and put in place of the placeholder in the project

adaptor :

A GladeWidgetAdaptor

parent :

the parent GladeWidget to add the new widget to.

placeholder :

the placeholder which will be substituted by the widget

project :

the project his widget belongs to.

Returns :

the newly created widget.

glade_command_cut ()

void                glade_command_cut                   (GList *widgets);

Removes the list of widgets and adds them to the clipboard.

widgets :

a GList of GladeWidgets

glade_command_copy ()

void                glade_command_copy                  (GList *widgets);

Copies the list of widgets and adds them to the clipboard.

widgets :

a GList of GladeWidgets

glade_command_paste ()

void                glade_command_paste                 (GList *widgets,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder);

Performs a paste command on all widgets in widgets to parent, possibly replacing placeholder (note toplevels dont need a parent; the active project will be used when pasting toplevel objects).

widgets :

a GList of GladeWidget

parent :

a GladeWidget

placeholder :

a GladePlaceholder

glade_command_dnd ()

void                glade_command_dnd                   (GList *widgets,
                                                         GladeWidget *parent,
                                                         GladePlaceholder *placeholder);

Performs a drag-n-drop command, i.e. removes the list of widgets and adds them to the new parent, possibly replacing placeholder (note toplevels dont need a parent; the active project will be used when pasting toplevel objects).

widgets :

a GList of GladeWidget

parent :

a GladeWidget

placeholder :

a GladePlaceholder

glade_command_add_signal ()

void                glade_command_add_signal            (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *signal);

TODO: write me

glade_widget :

a GladeWidget

signal :

a GladeSignal

glade_command_remove_signal ()

void                glade_command_remove_signal         (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *signal);

TODO: write me

glade_widget :

a GladeWidget

signal :

a GladeSignal

glade_command_change_signal ()

void                glade_command_change_signal         (GladeWidget *glade_widget,
                                                         const GladeSignal *old_signal,
                                                         const GladeSignal *new_signal);

TODO: write me

glade_widget :

a GladeWidget

old_signal :

a GladeSignal

new_signal :

a GladeSignal

glade_command_set_i18n ()

void                glade_command_set_i18n              (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean translatable,
                                                         gboolean has_context,
                                                         const gchar *context,
                                                         const gchar *comment);

Sets the i18n data on the property.

property :

a GladeProperty

translatable :

a gboolean

has_context :

a gboolean

context :

a const gchar *

comment :

a const gchar *