
GladeProperty — An interface to properties on the GladeWidget.


GladeProperty *     glade_property_new                  (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget,
                                                         GValue *value);
GladeProperty *     glade_property_dup                  (GladeProperty *template_prop,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget);
void                glade_property_reset                (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_original_reset       (GladeProperty *property);
gboolean            glade_property_default              (GladeProperty *property);
gboolean            glade_property_original_default     (GladeProperty *property);
gboolean            glade_property_equals_value         (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);
gboolean            glade_property_equals               (GladeProperty *property,
gboolean            glade_property_set_value            (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);
gboolean            glade_property_set_va_list          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         va_list vl);
gboolean            glade_property_set                  (GladeProperty *property,
void                glade_property_get_value            (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                glade_property_get_default          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                glade_property_get_va_list          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         va_list vl);
void                glade_property_get                  (GladeProperty *property,
void                glade_property_add_object           (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GObject *object);
void                glade_property_remove_object        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GObject *object);
void                glade_property_sync                 (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_load                 (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_read                 (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GladeXmlNode *node);
void                glade_property_write                (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GladeXmlContext *context,
                                                         GladeXmlNode *node);
void                glade_property_set_sensitive        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean sensitive,
                                                         const gchar *reason);
gboolean            glade_property_get_sensitive        (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_set_save_always      (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean setting);
gboolean            glade_property_get_save_always      (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_set_enabled          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean enabled);
gboolean            glade_property_get_enabled          (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_i18n_set_comment     (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const gchar *str);
const gchar *       glade_property_i18n_get_comment     (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_i18n_set_translatable
                                                        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean translatable);
gboolean            glade_property_i18n_get_translatable
                                                        (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_i18n_set_has_context (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean has_context);
gboolean            glade_property_i18n_get_has_context (GladeProperty *property);
void                glade_property_push_superuser       (void);
void                glade_property_pop_superuser        (void);
gboolean            glade_property_superuser            (void);

Object Hierarchy



  "class"                    gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "enabled"                  gboolean              : Read / Write
  "i18n-comment"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "i18n-context"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "i18n-has-context"         gboolean              : Read / Write
  "i18n-translatable"        gboolean              : Read / Write
  "sensitive"                gboolean              : Read / Write
  "state"                    gint                  : Read


  "tooltip-changed"                                : Run Last
  "value-changed"                                  : Run Last


Every object property of every GladeWidget in every GladeProject has a GladeProperty to interface with, GladeProperty provides a means to handle properties in the runtime environment.

A GladeProperty can be seen as an instance of a GladePropertyClass, the GladePropertyClass describes how a GladeProperty will function.



typedef struct _GladeProperty GladeProperty;

glade_property_new ()

GladeProperty *     glade_property_new                  (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget,
                                                         GValue *value);

Creates a GladeProperty of type klass for widget with value; if value is NULL, then the introspected default value for that property will be used.

klass :

A GladePropertyClass defining this property

widget :

The GladeWidget this property is created for

value :

The initial GValue of the property or NULL (the GladeProperty will assume ownership of value)

Returns :

The newly created GladeProperty

glade_property_dup ()

GladeProperty *     glade_property_dup                  (GladeProperty *template_prop,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget);

template_prop :

A GladeProperty

widget :

A GladeWidget

Returns :

A newly duplicated property based on the new widget

glade_property_reset ()

void                glade_property_reset                (GladeProperty *property);

Resets this property to its default value

property :

A GladeProperty

glade_property_original_reset ()

void                glade_property_original_reset       (GladeProperty *property);

Resets this property to its original default value

property :

A GladeProperty

glade_property_default ()

gboolean            glade_property_default              (GladeProperty *property);

property :

A GladeProperty

Returns :

Whether this property is at its default value

glade_property_original_default ()

gboolean            glade_property_original_default     (GladeProperty *property);

property :

A GladeProperty

Returns :

Whether this property is at its original default value

glade_property_equals_value ()

gboolean            glade_property_equals_value         (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);

property :

a GladeProperty

value :

a GValue

Returns :

Whether this property is equal to the value provided

glade_property_equals ()

gboolean            glade_property_equals               (GladeProperty *property,

property :

a GladeProperty

... :

a provided property value

Returns :

Whether this property is equal to the value provided

glade_property_set_value ()

gboolean            glade_property_set_value            (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Sets the property's value

property :

a GladeProperty

value :

a GValue

Returns :

Whether the property was successfully set.

glade_property_set_va_list ()

gboolean            glade_property_set_va_list          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         va_list vl);

Sets the property's value

property :

a GladeProperty

vl :

a va_list with value to set

glade_property_set ()

gboolean            glade_property_set                  (GladeProperty *property,

Sets the property's value (in a convenient way)

property :

a GladeProperty

... :

the value to set

glade_property_get_value ()

void                glade_property_get_value            (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GValue *value);

Retrieve the property value

property :

a GladeProperty

value :

a GValue

glade_property_get_default ()

void                glade_property_get_default          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GValue *value);

Retrieve the default property value

property :

a GladeProperty

value :

a GValue

glade_property_get_va_list ()

void                glade_property_get_va_list          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         va_list vl);

Retrieve the property value

property :

a GladeProperty

vl :

a va_list

glade_property_get ()

void                glade_property_get                  (GladeProperty *property,

Retrieve the property value

property :

a GladeProperty

... :

An address to store the value

glade_property_add_object ()

void                glade_property_add_object           (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GObject *object);

Adds object to the object list in property.

Note: This function expects property to be a GladeParamSpecObjects or GParamSpecObject type property.

property :

a GladeProperty

object :

The GObject to add

glade_property_remove_object ()

void                glade_property_remove_object        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GObject *object);

Removes object from the object list in property.

Note: This function expects property to be a GladeParamSpecObjects or GParamSpecObject type property.

property :

a GladeProperty

object :

The GObject to add

glade_property_sync ()

void                glade_property_sync                 (GladeProperty *property);

Synchronize the object with this property

property :

a GladeProperty

glade_property_load ()

void                glade_property_load                 (GladeProperty *property);

Loads the value of property from the coresponding object instance

property :

a GladeProperty

glade_property_read ()

void                glade_property_read                 (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GladeXmlNode *node);

Read the value and any attributes for property from node, assumes property is being loaded for project

Note that object values will only be resolved after the project is completely loaded

property :

a GladeProperty or NULL

project :

the GladeProject

node :

the GladeXmlNode to read, will either be a 'widget' node or a 'child' node for packing properties.

glade_property_write ()

void                glade_property_write                (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         GladeXmlContext *context,
                                                         GladeXmlNode *node);

Write property to node

property :

a GladeProperty

context :

A GladeXmlContext

node :

A GladeXmlNode

glade_property_set_sensitive ()

void                glade_property_set_sensitive        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean sensitive,
                                                         const gchar *reason);

glade_property_get_sensitive ()

gboolean            glade_property_get_sensitive        (GladeProperty *property);

glade_property_set_save_always ()

void                glade_property_set_save_always      (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean setting);

Sets whether this property should be special cased to always be saved regardless of its default value. (used for some special cases like properties that are assigned initial values in composite widgets or derived widget code).

property :

A GladeProperty

setting :

the value to set

glade_property_get_save_always ()

gboolean            glade_property_get_save_always      (GladeProperty *property);

property :

A GladeProperty

Returns :

whether this property is special cased to always be saved regardless of its default value.

glade_property_set_enabled ()

void                glade_property_set_enabled          (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean enabled);

glade_property_get_enabled ()

gboolean            glade_property_get_enabled          (GladeProperty *property);

glade_property_i18n_set_comment ()

void                glade_property_i18n_set_comment     (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         const gchar *str);

glade_property_i18n_get_comment ()

const gchar *       glade_property_i18n_get_comment     (GladeProperty *property);

glade_property_i18n_set_translatable ()

void                glade_property_i18n_set_translatable
                                                        (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean translatable);

glade_property_i18n_get_translatable ()

gboolean            glade_property_i18n_get_translatable
                                                        (GladeProperty *property);

glade_property_i18n_set_has_context ()

void                glade_property_i18n_set_has_context (GladeProperty *property,
                                                         gboolean has_context);

glade_property_i18n_get_has_context ()

gboolean            glade_property_i18n_get_has_context (GladeProperty *property);

glade_property_push_superuser ()

void                glade_property_push_superuser       (void);

glade_property_pop_superuser ()

void                glade_property_pop_superuser        (void);

glade_property_superuser ()

gboolean            glade_property_superuser            (void);

Property Details

The "class" property

  "class"                    gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only

The GladePropertyClass for this property.

The "enabled" property

  "enabled"                  gboolean              : Read / Write

If the property is optional, this is its enabled state.

Default value: TRUE

The "i18n-comment" property

  "i18n-comment"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Comment for translators.

Default value: NULL

The "i18n-context" property

  "i18n-context"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Context for translation.

Default value: NULL

The "i18n-has-context" property

  "i18n-has-context"         gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the translatable string has a context prefix.

Default value: FALSE

The "i18n-translatable" property

  "i18n-translatable"        gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether this property is translatable.

Default value: TRUE

The "sensitive" property

  "sensitive"                gboolean              : Read / Write

This gives backends control to set property sensitivity.

Default value: TRUE

The "state" property

  "state"                    gint                  : Read

Priority information for the property editor to act on.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

Signal Details

The "tooltip-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GladeProperty *gladeproperty,
                                                        gchar         *arg1,
                                                        gchar         *arg2,
                                                        gchar         *arg3,
                                                        gpointer       user_data)          : Run Last

The "value-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GladeProperty *gladeproperty,
                                                        gpointer       arg1,
                                                        gpointer       arg2,
                                                        gpointer       user_data)          : Run Last