
GladeWidgetAction — Context menu and toolbar actions.


void                glade_widget_action_class_free      (GWActionClass *action);
GWActionClass *     glade_widget_action_class_clone     (GWActionClass *action);
gboolean            glade_widget_action_remove          (GladeWidgetAction *action,
                                                         GladeWidgetAction *child);
void                glade_widget_action_set_sensitive   (GladeWidgetAction *action,
                                                         gboolean sensitive);

Object Hierarchy



  "class"                    gpointer              : Write / Construct Only
  "sensitive"                gboolean              : Read / Write


Use GladeWidgetAction to create custom routines to operate on widgets you add to glade, when running GladeActionActivateFunc functions you should make sure to use GladeCommand.



typedef struct {
	gchar    *id;           /* The identifier of this action in the action tree */
	gchar    *path;		/* Full action path  */
	gchar    *label;        /* A translated label to show in the UI for this action */
	gchar    *stock;        /* If set, this stock item will be shown in the UI along side
				 * the label */
	gboolean important; /* If this action is important */

	GList    *actions;      /* Recursive list of child actions */
} GWActionClass;


typedef struct _GladeWidgetAction GladeWidgetAction;

glade_widget_action_class_free ()

void                glade_widget_action_class_free      (GWActionClass *action);

glade_widget_action_class_clone ()

GWActionClass *     glade_widget_action_class_clone     (GWActionClass *action);

action :

a GWActionClass

Returns :

a newlly allocated copy of action.

glade_widget_action_remove ()

gboolean            glade_widget_action_remove          (GladeWidgetAction *action,
                                                         GladeWidgetAction *child);

Remove an action.

action :

a GladeWidgetAction

child :

a GladeWidgetAction

Returns :

whether or not child was removed from action.

glade_widget_action_set_sensitive ()

void                glade_widget_action_set_sensitive   (GladeWidgetAction *action,
                                                         gboolean sensitive);

Set whether or not this action is sensitive.

action :

a GladeWidgetAction

Property Details

The "class" property

  "class"                    gpointer              : Write / Construct Only

GladeWidgetActionClass structure pointer.

The "sensitive" property

  "sensitive"                gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether this action is sensitive.

Default value: TRUE