
GladeInspector — A widget for inspecting objects in a GladeProject.


GtkWidget *         glade_inspector_new                 (void);
GtkWidget *         glade_inspector_new_with_project    (GladeProject *project);
void                glade_inspector_set_project         (GladeInspector *inspector,
                                                         GladeProject *project);
GladeProject *      glade_inspector_get_project         (GladeInspector *inspector);
GList *             glade_inspector_get_selected_items  (GladeInspector *inspector);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GladeInspector implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkOrientable.


  "project"                  GladeProject*         : Read / Write


  "item-activated"                                 : Run Last
  "selection-changed"                              : Run Last


A GladeInspector is a widget for inspecting the objects that make up a user interface.

An inspector is created by calling either glade_inspector_new() or glade_inspector_new_with_project(). The current project been inspected can be changed by calling glade_inspector_set_project().



typedef struct _GladeInspector GladeInspector;

The GladeInspector struct contains private data only, and should be manipulated using the functions below.

glade_inspector_new ()

GtkWidget *         glade_inspector_new                 (void);

Creates a new GladeInspector

Returns :

a new GladeInspector

glade_inspector_new_with_project ()

GtkWidget *         glade_inspector_new_with_project    (GladeProject *project);

Creates a new GladeInspector with project

project :

a GladeProject

Returns :

a new GladeInspector

glade_inspector_set_project ()

void                glade_inspector_set_project         (GladeInspector *inspector,
                                                         GladeProject *project);

Sets the current project of inspector to project. To unset the current project, pass NULL for project.

inspector :

a GladeInspector

project :

a GladeProject

glade_inspector_get_project ()

GladeProject *      glade_inspector_get_project         (GladeInspector *inspector);

Note that the method does not ref the returned GladeProject.

inspector :

a GladeInspector

Returns :

A GladeProject

glade_inspector_get_selected_items ()

GList *             glade_inspector_get_selected_items  (GladeInspector *inspector);

Returns the selected items in the inspector.

inspector :

a GladeInspector

Returns :

A GList

Property Details

The "project" property

  "project"                  GladeProject*         : Read / Write

The project being inspected.

Signal Details

The "item-activated" signal

void                user_function                      (GladeInspector *inspector,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when a item is activated in the GladeInspector.

inspector :

the object which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "selection-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GladeInspector *inspector,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted when the selection changes in the GladeInspector.

inspector :

the object which received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.