
GladePalette — A widget to select a GladeWidgetClass for addition.


enum                GladeItemAppearance;
GtkWidget *         glade_palette_new                   (const GList *catalogs);
void                glade_palette_deselect_current_item (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean sticky_aware);
GladeWidgetAdaptor * glade_palette_get_current_item     (GladePalette *palette);
GladeItemAppearance  glade_palette_get_item_appearance  (GladePalette *palette);
void                glade_palette_set_item_appearance   (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         GladeItemAppearance item_appearance);
gboolean            glade_palette_get_use_small_item_icons
                                                        (GladePalette *palette);
void                glade_palette_set_use_small_item_icons
                                                        (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean use_small_item_icons);
void                glade_palette_set_show_selector_button
                                                        (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean show_selector_button);
gboolean            glade_palette_get_show_selector_button
                                                        (GladePalette *palette);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GladePalette implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkOrientable.


  "catalogs"                 gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "current-item"             gpointer              : Read
  "item-appearance"          GladeItemAppearance   : Read / Write
  "show-selector-button"     gboolean              : Read / Write
  "use-small-item-icons"     gboolean              : Read / Write


  "refresh"                                        : Run Last
  "toggled"                                        : Run Last


GladePalette is responsible for displaying the list of available GladeWidgetClass types and publishing the currently selected class to the Glade core.



typedef struct _GladePalette GladePalette;

enum GladeItemAppearance

typedef enum
} GladeItemAppearance;

glade_palette_new ()

GtkWidget *         glade_palette_new                   (const GList *catalogs);

Creates a new GladePalette widget

catalogs :

the widget catalogs for the palette.

Returns :

a new GladePalette

glade_palette_deselect_current_item ()

void                glade_palette_deselect_current_item (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean sticky_aware);

Deselects the currently selected item

palette :

a GladePalette

sticky_aware :

whether to consider sticky selection mode

glade_palette_get_current_item ()

GladeWidgetAdaptor * glade_palette_get_current_item     (GladePalette *palette);

Gets the GladeWidgetAdaptor of the currently selected item.

palette :

a GladePalette

Returns :

the GladeWidgetAdaptor of currently selected item, or NULL if no item is selected.

glade_palette_get_item_appearance ()

GladeItemAppearance  glade_palette_get_item_appearance  (GladePalette *palette);

palette :

a GladePalette

Returns :

The appearance of the palette items

glade_palette_set_item_appearance ()

void                glade_palette_set_item_appearance   (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         GladeItemAppearance item_appearance);

Sets the appearance of the palette items.

palette :

a GladePalette

item_appearance :

the item appearance

glade_palette_get_use_small_item_icons ()

gboolean            glade_palette_get_use_small_item_icons
                                                        (GladePalette *palette);

palette :

a GladePalette

Returns :

Whether small item icons are used

glade_palette_set_use_small_item_icons ()

void                glade_palette_set_use_small_item_icons
                                                        (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean use_small_item_icons);

Sets whether to use small item icons.

palette :

a GladePalette

use_small_item_icons :

Whether to use small item icons

glade_palette_set_show_selector_button ()

void                glade_palette_set_show_selector_button
                                                        (GladePalette *palette,
                                                         gboolean show_selector_button);

Sets whether to show the internal widget selector button

palette :

a GladePalette

show_selector_button :

whether to show selector button

glade_palette_get_show_selector_button ()

gboolean            glade_palette_get_show_selector_button
                                                        (GladePalette *palette);

palette :

a GladePalette

Returns :

Whether the selector button is visible

Property Details

The "catalogs" property

  "catalogs"                 gpointer              : Read / Write / Construct Only

The widget catalogs for the palette.

The "current-item" property

  "current-item"             gpointer              : Read

The GladeWidgetAdaptor of the currently selected item.

The "item-appearance" property

  "item-appearance"          GladeItemAppearance   : Read / Write

The appearance of the palette items.


The "show-selector-button" property

  "show-selector-button"     gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to show the internal selector button.

Default value: TRUE

The "use-small-item-icons" property

  "use-small-item-icons"     gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to use small icons to represent items.

Default value: FALSE

Signal Details

The "refresh" signal

void                user_function                      (GladePalette *gladepalette,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)         : Run Last

The "toggled" signal

void                user_function                      (GladePalette *gladepalette,
                                                        gpointer      user_data)         : Run Last