Part II. Glade Core

Table of Contents

GladeApp — The central control point of the Glade core.
GladeProject — The Glade document hub and Load/Save interface.
GladeWidget — An object wrapper for the Glade runtime environment.
GladeFixed — An object wrapper for free-form placement container widgets.
GladeProperty — An interface to properties on the GladeWidget.
GladeWidgetAdaptor — Adaptor base class to add runtime support for each widget class.
GladePropertyClass — Property Class-wide metadata.
GladeWidgetAction — Context menu and toolbar actions.
GladeCommand — An event filter to implement the Undo/Redo stack.
GladeClipboard — A list of GladeWidget objects not in any GladeProject.
GladeBaseEditor — A customisable editor
GladePlaceholder — A GtkWidget to fill empty places.
Xml Utils — An api to read and write xml.