Glade Utils

Glade Utils — Welcome to the zoo.


enum                GladeUtilFileDialogType;
enum                GladeUIMessageType;
GType               glade_util_get_type_from_name       (const gchar *name,
                                                         gboolean have_func);
GParamSpec *        glade_utils_get_pspec_from_funcname (const gchar *funcname);
gboolean            glade_util_ui_message               (GtkWidget *parent,
                                                         GladeUIMessageType type,
                                                         GtkWidget *widget,
                                                         const gchar *format,
void                glade_util_flash_message            (GtkWidget *statusbar,
                                                         guint context_id,
                                                         gchar *format,
gint                glade_util_compare_stock_labels     (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);
void                glade_util_hide_window              (GtkWindow *window);
gchar *             glade_util_gtk_combo_func           (gpointer data);
gpointer            glade_util_gtk_combo_find           (GtkCombo *combo);
GtkWidget *         glade_util_file_dialog_new          (const gchar *title,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GladeUtilFileDialogType action);
void                glade_util_replace                  (gchar *str,
                                                         gchar a,
                                                         gchar b);
gchar *             glade_util_read_prop_name           (const gchar *str);
gchar *             glade_util_duplicate_underscores    (const gchar *name);
void                glade_util_add_selection            (GtkWidget *widget);
void                glade_util_remove_selection         (GtkWidget *widget);
gboolean            glade_util_has_selection            (GtkWidget *widget);
void                glade_util_clear_selection          (void);
GList *             glade_util_get_selection            (void);
GList *             glade_util_container_get_all_children
                                                        (GtkContainer *container);
gint                glade_util_count_placeholders       (GladeWidget *parent);
GtkTreeIter *       glade_util_find_iter_by_widget      (GtkTreeModel *model,
                                                         GladeWidget *findme,
                                                         gint column);
gboolean            glade_util_basenames_match          (const gchar *path1,
                                                         const gchar *path2);
GList *             glade_util_purify_list              (GList *list);
GList *             glade_util_added_in_list            (GList *old_list,
                                                         GList *new_list);
GList *             glade_util_removed_from_list        (GList *old_list,
                                                         GList *new_list);
gchar *             glade_util_canonical_path           (const gchar *path);
gboolean            glade_util_copy_file                (const gchar *src_path,
                                                         const gchar *dest_path);
gboolean            glade_util_class_implements_interface
                                                        (GType class_type,
                                                         GType iface_type);
GModule *           glade_util_load_library             (const gchar *library_name);
gboolean            glade_util_file_is_writeable        (const gchar *path);
gboolean            glade_util_have_devhelp             (void);
GtkWidget *         glade_util_get_devhelp_icon         (GtkIconSize size);
void                glade_util_search_devhelp           (const gchar *book,
                                                         const gchar *page,
                                                         const gchar *search);
GtkWidget *         glade_util_get_placeholder_from_pointer
                                                        (GtkContainer *container);
gboolean            glade_util_object_is_loading        (GObject *object);
gboolean            glade_util_url_show                 (const gchar *url);
time_t              glade_util_get_file_mtime           (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
void                glade_util_draw_selection_nodes     (GdkWindow *expose_win);


This is where all of that really usefull miscalanious stuff lands up.


enum GladeUtilFileDialogType

typedef enum _GladeUtilFileDialogType
} GladeUtilFileDialogType;

enum GladeUIMessageType

typedef enum 
} GladeUIMessageType;

glade_util_get_type_from_name ()

GType               glade_util_get_type_from_name       (const gchar *name,
                                                         gboolean have_func);

Returns the type using the "get type" function name based on name. If the have_func flag is true,name is used directly, otherwise the get-type function is contrived from name then used.

name :

the name of the GType - like 'GtkWidget' or a "get-type" function.

have_func :

function-name flag -- true if the name is a "get-type" function.

Returns :

the new GType

glade_utils_get_pspec_from_funcname ()

GParamSpec *        glade_utils_get_pspec_from_funcname (const gchar *funcname);

funcname :

the symbol name of a function to generate a GParamSpec

Returns :

A GParamSpec created by the delagate function specified by funcname

glade_util_ui_message ()

gboolean            glade_util_ui_message               (GtkWidget *parent,
                                                         GladeUIMessageType type,
                                                         GtkWidget *widget,
                                                         const gchar *format,

Creates a new warning dialog window as a child of parent containing the text of format, runs it, then destroys it on close. Depending on type, a cancel button may apear or the icon may change.

parent :

a GtkWindow cast as a GtkWidget

type :

a GladeUIMessageType

widget :

a GtkWidget to append to the dialog vbox

format :

a printf style format string

... :

args for the format.

Returns :

True if the type was GLADE_UI_ARE_YOU_SURE and the user selected "OK", True if the type was GLADE_UI_YES_OR_NO and the user selected "YES"; False otherwise.

glade_util_flash_message ()

void                glade_util_flash_message            (GtkWidget *statusbar,
                                                         guint context_id,
                                                         gchar *format,

glade_util_compare_stock_labels ()

gint                glade_util_compare_stock_labels     (gconstpointer a,
                                                         gconstpointer b);

This is a GCompareFunc that compares the labels of two stock items, ignoring any '_' characters. It isn't particularly efficient.

a :

a gconstpointer to a GtkStockItem

b :

a gconstpointer to a GtkStockItem

Returns :

negative value if a < b; zero if a = b; positive value if a > b

glade_util_hide_window ()

void                glade_util_hide_window              (GtkWindow *window);

If you use this function to handle the delete_event of a window, when it will be shown again it will appear in the position where it was before beeing hidden.

window :

a GtkWindow

glade_util_gtk_combo_func ()

gchar *             glade_util_gtk_combo_func           (gpointer data);

TODO: write me

Returns :

glade_util_gtk_combo_find ()

gpointer            glade_util_gtk_combo_find           (GtkCombo *combo);

TODO: write me

Returns :

glade_util_file_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget *         glade_util_file_dialog_new          (const gchar *title,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GladeUtilFileDialogType action);

title :

dialog title

project :

a GladeProject used when saving

parent :

a parent GtkWindow for the dialog

action :

a GladeUtilFileDialogType to say if the dialog will open or save

Returns :

a "glade file" file chooser dialog. The caller is responsible for showing the dialog

glade_util_replace ()

void                glade_util_replace                  (gchar *str,
                                                         gchar a,
                                                         gchar b);

Replaces each occurance of the character a in str to b.

str :

a string

a :

a gchar

b :

a gchar

glade_util_read_prop_name ()

gchar *             glade_util_read_prop_name           (const gchar *str);

Return a usable version of a property identifier as found in a freshly parserd GladeInterface

str :

a string

glade_util_duplicate_underscores ()

gchar *             glade_util_duplicate_underscores    (const gchar *name);

Duplicates name, but the copy has two underscores in place of any single underscore in the original.

name :

a string

Returns :

a newly allocated string

glade_util_add_selection ()

void                glade_util_add_selection            (GtkWidget *widget);

Add visual selection to this GtkWidget

widget :

a GtkWidget

glade_util_remove_selection ()

void                glade_util_remove_selection         (GtkWidget *widget);

Remove visual selection from this GtkWidget

widget :

a GtkWidget

glade_util_has_selection ()

gboolean            glade_util_has_selection            (GtkWidget *widget);

widget :

a GtkWidget

Returns :

TRUE if widget has visual selection, FALSE otherwise

glade_util_clear_selection ()

void                glade_util_clear_selection          (void);

Clear all visual selections

glade_util_get_selection ()

GList *             glade_util_get_selection            (void);

glade_util_container_get_all_children ()

GList *             glade_util_container_get_all_children
                                                        (GtkContainer *container);

Use this to itterate over all children in a GtkContainer, as it used _forall() instead of _foreach() (and the GTK+ version of this function is simply not exposed).

Note that glade_widget_class_get_children() is the high-level abstraction and will usually end up calling this function.

container :

a GtkContainer

Returns :

a GList giving the contents of container

glade_util_count_placeholders ()

gint                glade_util_count_placeholders       (GladeWidget *parent);

parent :

a GladeWidget

Returns :

the amount of GladePlaceholders parented by parent

glade_util_find_iter_by_widget ()

GtkTreeIter *       glade_util_find_iter_by_widget      (GtkTreeModel *model,
                                                         GladeWidget *findme,
                                                         gint column);

Looks through model for the GtkTreeIter corresponding to findme under column.

model :

a GtkTreeModel

findme :

a GladeWidget

column :

a gint

Returns :

a newly allocated GtkTreeIter from model corresponding to findme which should be freed with gtk_tree_iter_free()

glade_util_basenames_match ()

gboolean            glade_util_basenames_match          (const gchar *path1,
                                                         const gchar *path2);

glade_util_purify_list ()

GList *             glade_util_purify_list              (GList *list);

list :

A GList

Returns :

A newly allocated version of list with no duplicate data entries

glade_util_added_in_list ()

GList *             glade_util_added_in_list            (GList *old_list,
                                                         GList *new_list);

old_list :

the old GList

new_list :

the new GList

Returns :

A newly allocated GList of elements that are in new but not in old

glade_util_removed_from_list ()

GList *             glade_util_removed_from_list        (GList *old_list,
                                                         GList *new_list);

old_list :

the old GList

new_list :

the new GList

Returns :

A newly allocated GList of elements that are in old no longer in new

glade_util_canonical_path ()

gchar *             glade_util_canonical_path           (const gchar *path);

path :

any path that may contain ".." or "." components

Returns :

an absolute path to the specified file or directory that contains no ".." or "." components (this does not call readlink like realpath() does). Note: on some systems; I think its possible that we dont have permission to execute in the directory in which the glade file resides; I decided finally to do it this way anyway since libc's realpath() does exactly the same.

glade_util_copy_file ()

gboolean            glade_util_copy_file                (const gchar *src_path,
                                                         const gchar *dest_path);

Copies a file from src to dest, queries the user if it involves overwriting the target and displays an error message upon failure.

src_path :

the path to the source file

dest_path :

the path to the destination file to create or overwrite.

Returns :

True if the copy was successfull.

glade_util_class_implements_interface ()

gboolean            glade_util_class_implements_interface
                                                        (GType class_type,
                                                         GType iface_type);

class_type :

A GType

iface_type :

A GType

Returns :

whether class_type implements the iface_type interface

glade_util_load_library ()

GModule *           glade_util_load_library             (const gchar *library_name);

Loads the named library from the Glade modules directory, or failing that from the standard platform specific directories.

The library_name should not include any platform specifix prefix or suffix, those are automatically added, if needed, by g_module_build_path()

library_name :

name of the library

Returns :

a GModule on success, or NULL on failure.

glade_util_file_is_writeable ()

gboolean            glade_util_file_is_writeable        (const gchar *path);

Checks whether the file at path is writeable

path :

the path to the file

Returns :

TRUE if file is writeable

glade_util_have_devhelp ()

gboolean            glade_util_have_devhelp             (void);

Returns :

whether the devhelp module is loaded

glade_util_get_devhelp_icon ()

GtkWidget *         glade_util_get_devhelp_icon         (GtkIconSize size);

Creates an image displaying the devhelp icon.

size :

the preferred icon size

Returns :

a GtkImage

glade_util_search_devhelp ()

void                glade_util_search_devhelp           (const gchar *book,
                                                         const gchar *page,
                                                         const gchar *search);

glade_util_get_placeholder_from_pointer ()

GtkWidget *         glade_util_get_placeholder_from_pointer
                                                        (GtkContainer *container);

glade_util_object_is_loading ()

gboolean            glade_util_object_is_loading        (GObject *object);

object :

A GObject

Returns :

Whether the object's project is being loaded or not.

glade_util_url_show ()

gboolean            glade_util_url_show                 (const gchar *url);

Portable function for showing an URL url in a web browser.

url :

An URL to display

Returns :

TRUE if a web browser was successfully launched, or FALSE

glade_util_get_file_mtime ()

time_t              glade_util_get_file_mtime           (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the UTC modification time of file filename.

filename :

A filename

error :

return location for errors

Returns :

The mtime of the file, or 0 if the file attributes could not be read.

glade_util_draw_selection_nodes ()

void                glade_util_draw_selection_nodes     (GdkWindow *expose_win);

Redraws any selection nodes that intersect expose_win. Steps through all selected widgets, finds their coordinates, and calls glade_util_draw_nodes() if appropriate.

expose_win :

a GdkWindow