
GladePropertyClass — Property Class-wide metadata.


#define             GPC_OBJECT_DELIMITER
#define             GPC_PROPERTY_NAMELEN
GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_new           (gpointer handle);
GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_new_from_spec (gpointer handle,
                                                         GParamSpec *spec);
GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_clone         (GladePropertyClass *property_class);
void                glade_property_class_free           (GladePropertyClass *property_class);
gboolean            glade_property_class_is_visible     (GladePropertyClass *property_class);
gboolean            glade_property_class_is_object      (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         GladeProjectFormat fmt);
GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_string
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         const gchar *string,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget);
gchar *             glade_property_class_make_string_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         const GValue *value,
                                                         GladeProjectFormat fmt);
GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_vl
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         va_list vl);
void                glade_property_class_set_vl_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         va_list vl);
GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue    (GladePropertyClass *klass,
void                glade_property_class_get_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value,
gboolean            glade_property_class_update_from_node
                                                        (GladeXmlNode *node,
                                                         GModule *module,
                                                         GType object_type,
                                                         GladePropertyClass **property_class,
                                                         const gchar *domain);
GtkAdjustment *     glade_property_class_make_adjustment
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class);
gboolean            glade_property_class_match          (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GladePropertyClass *comp);
gboolean            glade_property_class_void_value     (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value);


GladePropertyClass is a structure based on a GParamSpec and parameters from the Glade catalog files and describes how properties are to be handled in Glade; it also provides an interface to convert GValue to strings and va_lists etc (back and forth).





#define GPC_PROPERTY_NAMELEN 512  /* Enough space for a property name I think */


typedef struct {
	gpointer    handle; /* The GladeWidgetAdaptor that this property class
			     * was created for.

	guint16     version_since_major; /* Version in which this property was */
	guint16     version_since_minor; /* introduced.                       */

	guint16     builder_since_major; /* Version in which this property became */
	guint16     builder_since_minor; /* available in GtkBuilder format        */

	GParamSpec *pspec; /* The Parameter Specification for this property.

	gchar *id;       /* The id of the property. Like "label" or "xpad"
			  * this is a non-translatable string

	gchar *name;     /* The name of the property. Like "Label" or "X Pad"
			  * this is a translatable string

	gchar *tooltip; /* The default tooltip for the property editor rows.

	GValue *def;      /* The default value for this property (this will exist
			   * as a copy of orig_def if not specified by the catalog)

	GValue *orig_def; /* The real default value obtained through introspection.
			   * (used to decide whether we should write to the
			   * glade file or not, or to restore the loaded property
			   * correctly); all property classes have and orig_def.

	GList *parameters; /* list of GladeParameter objects. This list
			    * provides with an extra set of key-value
			    * pairs to specify aspects of this property.
			    * This is unused by glade and only maintained
			    * to be of possible use in plugin code.

	gint  visible_lines; /* When this pspec calls for a text editor, how many
			      * lines should be visible in the editor.

	/* For catalogs that support libglade: */
	guint    libglade_only : 1;       /* Mark special libglade virtual properties */
	guint    libglade_unsupported : 1;/* Mark properties that are not available in libglade */

	guint virt : 1; /* Whether this is a virtual property with its pspec supplied
			 * via the catalog (or hard code-paths); or FALSE if its a real
			 * GObject introspected property

	guint optional : 1; /* Some properties are optional by nature like
			     * default width. It can be set or not set. A
			     * default property has a check box in the
			     * left that enables/disables the input

	guint optional_default : 1; /* For optional values, what the default is */

	guint construct_only : 1; /* Whether this property is G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY or not */
	guint common : 1;  /* Common properties go in the common tab */
	guint atk : 1;     /* Atk properties go in the atk tab */
	guint packing : 1; /* Packing properties go in the packing tab */
	guint query : 1;   /* Whether we should explicitly ask the user about this property
			    * when instantiating a widget with this property (through a popup
			    * dialog).

	guint translatable : 1; /* The property should be translatable, which
				 * means that it needs extra parameters in the
				 * UI.
	/* These three are the master switches for the glade-file output,
	 * property editor availability & live object updates in the glade environment.
	guint save : 1;      /* Whether we should save to the glade file or not
			      * (mostly just for virtual internal glade properties,
			      * also used for properties with generic pspecs that
			      * are saved in custom ways by the plugin)
	guint save_always : 1; /* Used to make a special case exception and always
				* save this property regardless of what the default
				* value is (used for some special cases like properties
				* that are assigned initial values in composite widgets
				* or derived widget code).
	guint visible : 1;   /* Whether or not to show this property in the editor &
			      * reset dialog.

	guint custom_layout : 1; /* Properties marked as custom_layout will not be included
				  * in a base #GladeEditorTable implementation (use this
				  * for properties you want to layout in custom ways in
				  * a #GladeEditable widget
	guint ignore : 1;    /* When true, we will not sync the object when the property
			      * changes, or load values from the object.

	guint needs_sync : 1; /* Virtual properties need to be synchronized after object
			       * creation, some properties that are not virtual also need
			       * handling from the backend, if "needs-sync" is true then
			       * this property will by synced with virtual properties.

	guint is_modified : 1; /* If true, this property_class has been "modified" from the
				* the standard property by a xml file. */

	guint themed_icon : 1; /* Some GParamSpecString properties reffer to icon names
				* in the icon theme... these need to be specified in the
				* property class definition if proper editing tools are to
				* be used.
	guint stock_icon : 1; /* String properties can also denote stock icons, including
			       * icons from icon factories...
	guint stock : 1;      /* ... or a narrower list of "items" from gtk builtin stock items.
	guint transfer_on_paste : 1; /* If this is a packing prop, 
				      * wether we should transfer it on paste.
	guint parentless_widget : 1;  /* True if this property should point to a parentless widget
				       * in the project

	gdouble weight; /* This will determine the position of this property in 
			 * the editor.
	gchar *create_type; /* If this is an object property and you want the option to create
			     * one from the object selection dialog, then set the name of the
			     * concrete type here.
} GladePropertyClass;

glade_property_class_new ()

GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_new           (gpointer handle);

handle :

A generic pointer (i.e. a GladeWidgetClass)

Returns :

a new GladePropertyClass

glade_property_class_new_from_spec ()

GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_new_from_spec (gpointer handle,
                                                         GParamSpec *spec);

handle :

A generic pointer (i.e. a GladeWidgetClass)

spec :

A GParamSpec

Returns :

a newly created GladePropertyClass based on spec or NULL if its unsupported.

glade_property_class_clone ()

GladePropertyClass * glade_property_class_clone         (GladePropertyClass *property_class);

property_class :

a GladePropertyClass

Returns :

a new GladePropertyClass cloned from property_class

glade_property_class_free ()

void                glade_property_class_free           (GladePropertyClass *property_class);

Frees klass and its associated memory.

property_class :

a GladePropertyClass

glade_property_class_is_visible ()

gboolean            glade_property_class_is_visible     (GladePropertyClass *property_class);

property_class :

A GladePropertyClass

Returns :

whether or not to show this property in the editor

glade_property_class_is_object ()

gboolean            glade_property_class_is_object      (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         GladeProjectFormat fmt);

property_class :

A GladePropertyClass

fmt :

the GladeProjectFormat

Returns :

whether or not this is an object property that refers to another object in this project.

glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_string ()

GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_string
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         const gchar *string,
                                                         GladeProject *project,
                                                         GladeWidget *widget);

property_class :

A GladePropertyClass

string :

a string representation of this property

widget :

the GladeWidget that the associated property belongs to.

Returns :

A GValue created based on the property_class and string criteria.

glade_property_class_make_string_from_gvalue ()

gchar *             glade_property_class_make_string_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         const GValue *value,
                                                         GladeProjectFormat fmt);

property_class :

A GladePropertyClass

value :

A GValue

fmt :

The GladeProjectFormat the string should conform to

Returns :

A newly allocated string representation of value

glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_vl ()

GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue_from_vl
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class,
                                                         va_list vl);

property_class :

A GladePropertyClass

vl :

a va_list holding one argument of the correct type specified by property_class

Returns :

A GValue created based on the property_class and a vl arg of the correct type.

glade_property_class_set_vl_from_gvalue ()

void                glade_property_class_set_vl_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         va_list vl);

Sets vl from value based on klass criteria.

klass :

A GladePropertyClass

value :

A GValue to set

vl :

a va_list holding one argument of the correct type specified by klass

glade_property_class_make_gvalue ()

GValue *            glade_property_class_make_gvalue    (GladePropertyClass *klass,

klass :

A GladePropertyClass

... :

an argument of the correct type specified by property_class

Returns :

A GValue created based on the property_class and the provided argument.

glade_property_class_get_from_gvalue ()

void                glade_property_class_get_from_gvalue
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value,

Assignes the provided return location to value

klass :

A GladePropertyClass

value :

A GValue to set

... :

a return location of the correct type

glade_property_class_update_from_node ()

gboolean            glade_property_class_update_from_node
                                                        (GladeXmlNode *node,
                                                         GModule *module,
                                                         GType object_type,
                                                         GladePropertyClass **property_class,
                                                         const gchar *domain);

Updates the property_class with the contents of the node in the xml file. Only the values found in the xml file are overridden.

node :

the property node

module :

a GModule to lookup symbols from the plugin

object_type :

the GType of the owning object

property_class :

a pointer to the property class

domain :

the domain to translate catalog strings from

Returns :

TRUE on success. property_class is set to NULL if the property has Disabled="TRUE".

glade_property_class_make_adjustment ()

GtkAdjustment *     glade_property_class_make_adjustment
                                                        (GladePropertyClass *property_class);

Creates and appropriate GtkAdjustment for use in the editor

property_class :

a pointer to the property class

Returns :

An appropriate GtkAdjustment for use in the Property editor

glade_property_class_match ()

gboolean            glade_property_class_match          (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GladePropertyClass *comp);

klass :

a GladePropertyClass

comp :

a GladePropertyClass

Returns :

whether klass and comp are a match or not (properties in seperate decendant heirarchies that have the same name are not matches).

glade_property_class_void_value ()

gboolean            glade_property_class_void_value     (GladePropertyClass *klass,
                                                         GValue *value);

klass :

a GladePropertyClass

Returns :

Whether value for this klass is voided; a voided value can be a NULL value for boxed or object type param specs.