{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (189 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 100 of 189)

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Unknown (41 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#22 Worst case task response time with POSIX 1003 binaries new Feature major 05/20/08
#39 End to end response time too much pessimistic binaries new Bug major 06/17/08
#84 Increase flexibility to describe AADL data usage by threads framework new Feature major 06/18/08
#85 Common variables between processors framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#87 Multiples dimensions array in .sc files framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#88 Unable/Disable task preemption framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#89 Functions and procedures in the .sc file parser framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#92 Cheddar configuration framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#94 Message scheduling features framework new Feature major 06/17/08
#136 Multiprocessor system shared data problem framework reopened Bug major 10/02/17
#138 Project with several components problem framework new Bug major 10/02/17
#169 Partitioned scheduling does not work as it should framework new trunk Bug major 06/14/19
#4 New Information in simulation diagram graphical_editor new trunk Feature minor Jerome 03/28/08
#6 Cheddar Crash in AADL import modification framework assigned trunk Bug minor 09/04/15
#7 small memory leak in simulation framework new trunk Bug minor 09/04/15
#13 Cheddar project file backup (crash) graphical_editor new trunk Feature minor 04/03/08
#14 Automata user-defined scheduler interpreter framework new Bug minor 04/08/08
#17 EDF non preemptive and periodic tasks framework new trunk Bug minor 05/20/08
#18 LLF non preemptive and periodic tasks framework new trunk Bug minor 05/20/08
#23 Entry widget for directory/file name graphical_editor new Feature minor 05/20/08
#24 Display on the GANNT task release time graphical_editor new Feature minor 05/20/08
#25 Message scheduling does not work any more .... binaries new Task minor 07/14/20
#31 Update of the working directory graphical_editor new Feature minor 06/06/08
#33 Extra type error with random variable of .sc program framework new Bug minor 06/06/08
#35 Missing integrity check with Partitionning RM algorithms framework new Bug minor 06/06/08
#36 Default AADL property files framework new trunk Bug minor 06/17/08
#40 AADL project import framework new Bug minor 06/17/08
#41 AADL component without implementation framework new Bug minor 06/17/08
#42 Parametric scheduler : double user defined parameters framework new Bug minor 06/17/08
#43 Problem with General task partitioning framework new Bug minor 09/04/15
#44 Utilization cpu factor test for preemptive DM framework new Bug minor 06/17/08
#83 Allow feasibility tests for periodic tasks to be applied on sporadic tasks. framework new Feature minor 07/14/20
#90 User defined size array framework new Feature minor 06/17/08
#91 "for" range framework new Feature minor 06/17/08
#118 Scheduling simulatio with varying task capacity framework new Feature minor 11/02/09
#129 Export attributes of network entity in .sc files framework new Feature minor 10/02/17
#139 event table computing problem with parametric scheduler framework new Bug minor 10/02/17
#142 Precedence dependence with multi core framework new Bug minor 10/02/17
#152 Offset and start time attributes of task framework new Bug minor 01/13/16
#166 XML event table printer binaries new Bug minor 07/14/20
#168 Wrong feasibility test on EDF binaries new Bug minor S. rubini 07/14/20

3.4 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#189 Cheddar loops when parsing a buggy XML model graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug major singhoff 04/08/24

3.3 (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#185 Zoom feature of the GUI graphical_editor closed fixed Bug minor singhoff 11/13/21
#187 Hierarchical scheduling for ARINC653 does not work when several independent processors are defiend framework closed fixed Bug major singhoff 11/13/21
#186 Message "No task set ready to analyse..." is always displayed graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor singhoff 11/13/21
#184 Completion_Time attribute for cyclic task entities framework closed fixed trunk Feature minor singhoff 07/27/21
#120 No unit of time with AADL models are imported framework closed fixed Bug minor 07/27/21
#182 Cheddar ADL objects ID are wrong when model are edited by hand framework closed fixed trunk Bug minor singhoff 07/10/21
#183 POSIX scheduling does not run correctly a set of tasks with the same priority level but with different start time framework closed fixed Bug minor singhoff 07/10/21
#181 every attribute of tasks makes task window crashing when editing non periodic tasks graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor singhoff 04/09/21
#180 Precedency scheduling is restricted to task with the same period framework closed fixed Feature minor singhoff 03/01/21
#179 Typecast functions in user defined schedulers framework closed fixed Feature minor 12/15/20
#178 Core affinity for multicore architecture framework closed fixed trunk Feature minor 12/08/20
#177 Helping message at starting time graphical_editor closed fixed Feature minor 11/30/20
#176 ARINC 653 : a partition must have at least one task framework closed fixed Bug minor 11/30/20
#175 Pfair scheduling : error when computing quantum parameters framework closed fixed Bug minor 11/30/20

3.2 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#171 Wrong processor name displayed in the GUI timeline for resources graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor singhoff 12/08/20
#172 Speed attribute of core units does not scale task execution time framework closed fixed Bug minor singhoff 12/08/20
#174 Zoom features binaries closed fixed Bug minor 07/14/20
#173 WCRT with offset binaries closed fixed Bug minor 07/14/20
#165 New feasibility interval computation is not connected binaries closed fixed Bug minor 06/07/20
#170 Number of free unit of time with multicore processors binaries closed fixed Bug minor 12/20/19
#167 Constraint error on SEED generator of the GUI graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor 11/12/18
#162 XML event table generator large latency framework closed fixed Bug minor 10/05/17

3.1 (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#164 Buffer scheduling was broken framework closed fixed Bug minor 10/05/17
#163 Proportionate Fair was wrong framework closed fixed Bug minor 10/05/17
#161 Priority inversion and Deadlock detection was erronous framework closed fixed Bug minor 10/02/17
#159 Feasibility interval was wrong with aperiodic tasks binaries closed fixed Bug minor 10/02/17
#157 Worst Case Blocking Time framework closed fixed trunk Bug minor 10/02/17
#158 Wait_For_Resource event was not generated during simulation framework closed fixed Bug major 10/02/17
#160 Multiprocessor global scheduling framework closed fixed Bug critical 10/02/17
#109 Ocarina 1.2 framework closed fixed Feature major 10/02/17
#28 some exceptions from dependence windows are not catched graphical_editor closed fixed Bug minor 10/02/17
#45 Response time computation loop framework closed fixed Bug minor 10/02/17
#30 Gtk_Entry widget size graphical_editor closed fixed Task minor 10/02/17
#156 Editing task capacity and resource critical section or buffer role graphical_editor closed fixed Bug minor 10/02/17
#38 Buffer analysis binaries closed fixed Bug major 10/02/17
#153 Forbids hierarchical scheduling for global scheduling framework closed fixed Bug major 01/07/17
#154 Increase accurrancy of resource blocking time from simulation framework closed fixed Bug major 01/07/17
#155 Fix a several bugs in the editing of message entities graphical_editor closed fixed Bug minor 01/07/17
#137 Sporadic and event table problem framework closed fixed Bug minor 09/15/15
#143 Jitter in simulation framework closed fixed Bug minor 09/15/15
#148 issue with HIERARCHICAL_OFFLINE_PROTOCOL framework closed fixed Bug major 09/04/15
#145 Buffer size framework closed fixed Bug minor 05/13/14
#144 Offset propagation on following task framework closed fixed Bug minor 05/13/14
#141 Buffer size error on project importation framework closed fixed Bug minor 05/13/14
#29 Integrity check on dependence window graphical_editor closed fixed Bug minor 05/13/14
#21 Integrity check on XML files framework closed fixed Bug minor 05/13/14
#11 Several bugs related to precedences graph (2) graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor 05/13/14
#135 ARINC 653 offline partition scheduling problem framework closed fixed Bug major 05/13/14
#112 XMLAda gnat 2012 binaries closed fixed Feature major 05/13/14
#111 GNAT 2012 GPL binaries closed fixed Feature major 05/13/14
#134 Mysterious message on xmlv3 loading binaries closed fixed Bug critical 05/13/14
#133 Service "Select_Feasibility_Tests_Simple" problems. binaries closed fixed Bug critical 05/13/14
#132 crash due to priority computation service framework closed fixed trunk Bug critical 05/13/14
#27 Response time from simulation with precedences framework closed fixed trunk Bug critical 05/13/14

3.0 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#150 cheddar crash when one try to modify the name of an adress space graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor 09/15/15
#151 Cheddar crash when one try to add a task from a task selection graphical_editor closed fixed trunk Bug minor 09/15/15
#146 Best response time from simulation framework closed fixed trunk Bug major 06/29/15
#147 Multiprocessor schedule table tag check failed framework closed fixed trunk Bug major 06/29/15
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