Custom Query (32 matches)


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Status: closed (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#11 Several bugs related to precedences graph (2) Bug minor graphical_editor trunk
#28 some exceptions from dependence windows are not catched Bug minor graphical_editor
#29 Integrity check on dependence window Bug minor graphical_editor
#30 Gtk_Entry widget size Task minor graphical_editor
#155 Fix a several bugs in the editing of message entities Bug minor graphical_editor
#156 Editing task capacity and resource critical section or buffer role Bug minor graphical_editor
#21 Integrity check on XML files Bug minor framework
#27 Response time from simulation with precedences Bug critical framework trunk
#45 Response time computation loop Bug minor framework
#109 Ocarina 1.2 Feature major framework
#132 crash due to priority computation service Bug critical framework trunk
#135 ARINC 653 offline partition scheduling problem Bug major framework
#137 Sporadic and event table problem Bug minor framework
#141 Buffer size error on project importation Bug minor framework
#143 Jitter in simulation Bug minor framework
#144 Offset propagation on following task Bug minor framework
#145 Buffer size Bug minor framework
#148 issue with HIERARCHICAL_OFFLINE_PROTOCOL Bug major framework
#153 Forbids hierarchical scheduling for global scheduling Bug major framework
#154 Increase accurrancy of resource blocking time from simulation Bug major framework
#157 Worst Case Blocking Time Bug minor framework trunk
#158 Wait_For_Resource event was not generated during simulation Bug major framework
#160 Multiprocessor global scheduling Bug critical framework
#161 Priority inversion and Deadlock detection was erronous Bug minor framework
#163 Proportionate Fair was wrong Bug minor framework
#164 Buffer scheduling was broken Bug minor framework
#38 Buffer analysis Bug major binaries
#111 GNAT 2012 GPL Feature major binaries
#112 XMLAda gnat 2012 Feature major binaries
#133 Service "Select_Feasibility_Tests_Simple" problems. Bug critical binaries
#134 Mysterious message on xmlv3 loading Bug critical binaries
#159 Feasibility interval was wrong with aperiodic tasks Bug minor binaries
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