Version 16 (modified by jlegrand, 17 years ago) (diff) |
Additional Packages
Cheddar is built using the GNAT compiler GPL 2007 (see AdaCore web site).
Furthermore, the following packages are needed to build Cheddar (available in Cheddar repository (required_packages))
Packages | Comment |
Gtk and GtkAda | See GTK web site for details |
XmlAda | See AdaCore web site |
Aflex and Ayacc | If you plan to change the code of the parametric simulator |
big number | From Jerome Delcourt |
Ocarina AADL Parser | Distributed by the Telecom ParisTech Ocarina team |
Command Line Building Instructions
Linux/Unix? Boxes
Step 1
We assume that all the required component are already installed in your system. We also supposed that gcc/GNAT is in your binary PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains GtkAda and Gtk libraries directory (i.e. libs/linux directory).
For GtkAda library, one shall replace the .../required_packages/GtkAda directory content by the one from gtkada_unix.tar.gz file found in .../required_packages/Archive directory.
Step 2
If necessary, read and update the config/*.ads packages. These Ada packages contain all Cheddar's configurable constants.
Step 3
Type make all in a terminal to compile all Cheddar tools (make alldebug for debug version).
Note : if you want to remove all objects created during Cheddar compilation, type make clean (resp. make cleandebug).
Windows Boxes
Step 1
If necessary, read and update the config/*.ads packages. These Ada packages contain all Cheddar's configurable constants.
Step 2
Open a terminal (choose Windows Menu -> execute and type cmd). In Cheddar source main directory, type :
- gnatmake -Pcheddargps.gpr -d -XBuild=Release : build cheddar tools in release mode (optimized, no debug information).
- gnatmake -Pcheddargps.gpr -d -XBuild=Debug : build cheddar tools in debug mode (no optimization).
- gnatclean -r -Pcheddargps.gpr -XBuild=Release : remove objects from release mode compilation.
- gnatclean -r -Pcheddargps.gpr -XBuild=Debug : remove objects from debug mode compilation.
GPS Building Instructions
Step 1
Install the GNAT GPL 2007 distribution (GNAT Programming Studio and GNAT Ada compiler should be installed on your system).
For Windows, just double click on the executable downloaded from AdaCore web site.
Step 2
Open GPS cheddar project (cheddargps.gpr file in Cheddar source code trunk directory) :
And Build your selected binary :
Cheddar tools binaries can be found in trunk/binaries/bin/release or debug directory.
AdaGide Building Instructions
Step 1
Idem GPS building procedure.
Step 2
Unzip all necessary packages in a "lib" directory in order to have the following tree (Due to AdaGide restriction, Cheddar and Lib directory should be located in hard drive root directory, e.g. c: ) :
- Cheddar
- branch
- tags
- trunk
- binaries -> contains Adagide configuration and project files (gnat.ago, ...)
- ...
- txt
- Lib
- BigNumber
- GtkAda
- Ocarina
- aadl
- checker
- config
- core
- dia
- dumper
- gaia
- generators
- lib -> contains Ocarina libraries
- pn
- runtime
- XmlAda
If packages are located in different directories (default : c:\Cheddar and c:\Lib) , update "gnat.ago" (Cheddar/binaries).
Step 3
Open cheddar.adb with AdaGide and push the AdaGide "Build" button. Built binary can be found in Cheddar/trunk/binaries/ directory.
Step 4
Repeat step 3 with xml2xml.adb, aadl2xml.adb, xml2aadl.adb, aadl2aadl.adb and scc.adb.
Framework Examples
In order to build Cheddar framework examples, one can follow building instructions for Cheddar tools (command line and GPS) with the GPS project frameworkexamples.gpr and Makefile option examples and examplesdebug.
Installation Instructions
If the compilation succeed, Cheddar tools binaries can be found in binaries/bin/release directory (binaries/bin/debug for debug version).
- On Unix boxes : just copy executables in the installation directory (eg. /usr/local/bin ). Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH shell variable shall point
to libs/linux directory.
- On Win32 boxes : copy cheddar.exe and the Dll files from libs/win32dll directory in the Same installation directory (eg. C:\Cheddar).
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any compilation problems via Cheddar mailing list.