Ticket #98 (new Feature) — at Initial Version

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

Patch 5 features

Reported by: jlegrand Owned by:
Priority: Undefined Milestone: 1.3
Component: framework Version:
Keywords: Cc:


  • Fix some bugs (see BUGS file).
  • Add round robin, linux time sharing, D-over and MUF built-in schedulers (F. Singhoff).
  • Provide both statically and dynamically allocated set : users should choose between them according to the number of task/processors/messages and to the size of the simulation (F. Singhoff).
  • Add aadl2aadl program (just parse and print an AADL file) (F. Singhoff).
  • Add FreeBsd? Makefile.vars (C.P. Gloster).
  • Start adding global memory requirement analysis (task/buffer/shared resources compared by address space mmory size) (F. Singhoff).
  • Feasibility tests can be called by users processor by processor and feasibility test by feasibility test. (see customized feasibility tests) (F. Singhoff).
  • Add AADL import and export services based on ocarina (F. Singhoff).
  • Refactoring of some basic widgets (H. Lapinoja, F. Singhoff).
  • Improve text displayed in the main root window when response time and feasibility tests are performed on a project (F. Singhoff).
  • Extend the data model of cheddar to include the abstraction of address spaces (F. Singhoff).
  • Some parametric variable can be set into the parametric code (F. Singhoff).
  • Provide extended buffer analysis tools : simulation and feasibility tests in cases of periodic and randomly activated tasks (J. Legrand, F. Singhoff).
  • Users can tune which events the simulator engine will generate at simulation time (see Tools/Scheduling/Options?). Warning : "task_activation" and "running_task" can not be ungenerated since they are needed by many analysis tools (F. Singhoff).
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