Ticket #97 (closed Feature: fixed)
Cheddar-2.0 (02/12/2007)
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | See Description |
Priority: | Undefined | Milestone: | 2.0 |
Component: | framework | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
F20 | 20/01/07 | requested by : jerome.hugues@…, singhoff | medium |
implemented by : jerome.hugues@…, singhoff |
Update aadl_parsers.adb to support the new release of Ocarina.
F19 | 20/01/07 | requested by : plantec, singhoff | low |
implemented by : plantec, singhoff |
Refactoring of the cheddar framework with the meta case tool Platypus.
The "platypus" directory contains the model and the meta-model used for such a purpose.
F16 | 20/08/06 | requested by : singhoff | low |
implemented by : singhoff |
- Gather all configuration variables into the "config" directory
- Provide a Put subprogram to display the configuration ar the screen.
This subprogram can be called from the Cheddar's command line.
F14 | 08/08/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@…, hugues | high |
implemented by : singhoff |
- Add support for AADL import/export of task dependencies throught event port and cheddar's properties.
- Add AADL import/export options widget
F2 | 20/07/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@… | high |
implemented by : singhoff |
Put(e,a,b). "e","a" and "b" are any expression. "e" is the expression to be displayed. "a" and "b" give the entries of "e" we want to display (only if "e" is a table).
Example of use :
CB_log : array (tasks_range) of integer;
i : integer;
minv : integer :=1;
maxv : integer :=15;
put("hello"); -- displays the string "hello"
put(maxv-1); -- displays "14"
put(minv); -- displays "1"
put(CB_log); -- displays ALL entries of the CB_log table
put(CB_log, 2, 2); -- displays the third entry of the CB_log table
put(CB_log, 0, 10); -- displays the entries between 0 and 10 of the CB_log table
put(CB_log, minv, maxv-1); -- displays the entries between 1 and 14 of the CB_log table
F6 | 20/07/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@… | high |
implemented by : singhoff |
Create a predefined variable which gives the total simulation time
(=simulation length).
There is already a predefined range : "time_units_range".
But it is a range, not an integer and its usage is restricted (can't be used every time ...).
F12 | 01/08/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@… | low |
implemented by : singhoff |
Provide the number of line of a sc file when an Ada exception is raised by the ada runtime. This number of line is presented with the name of the raised exception with simulation results.
F1 | 20/07/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@… | very low |
! implemented by : singhoff |
Change in user guide due to cheddar change : tasks.rest_of_capacity is now writable.
Error in user guide (or bug in Cheddar ?). The description of tasks.rest_of_capacity is bad. The definition is :
For each task activation, this variable is reset to the capacity each time the associated task starts a new activation. If rest_of_capacity is equal to zero, the task is over in its current activation and is then blocked.
But in cheddar :
At the start of the simulation, rest_of_capacity=0. When the task is activated, the value is set to tasks.capacity. At the end of the capacity, rest_of_capacity is immediatly reset to the task capacity.
F0 | 01/07/06 | requested by : guillaume.laurens@…, singhoff, strauss | medium |
implemented by : guillaume.laurens@…, baert, hugel, edzang, stauss, singhoff |
- Allow .sc files to change the value of the variable "rest_of_capacity" (G. Laurens).
- Provides new Makefiles tools for the win32 platform (M. Baert).
- Add Sporadic task support (F. Singhoff). The previous Sporadic implementation was provided throught an .sc file.
- Add "immediate PCP" protocol for shared resources (M. Strauss).
- The scheduling framework allows now to override the sub-program which produces events into XML event table. This feature make it possible to add information in the event table depending on the scheduler and the produced event (F. Singhoff).
- Update FAQ from the Cheddar's mailing list (F. Singhoff).
- Re-format and improve the list of publications provided with Cheddar (F. Singhoff).
- Provide a new implementation of the deadlock simulation analyzer (S. Edzang).
- Provide XLST tools and update XML/DTD files of Cheddar project and Event table files (M. Baert).
- Improve Cheddar command Line (mainly for AADL files) (F. Singhoff).
- Add the date of Cheddar compiling in the "About Cheddar" windows (F. Singhoff).
- Update the user's guide (V. Hugel).
- Add Hierarchical Scheduling Support (F. Singhoff).