Custom Query (31 matches)


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Status: closed (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#97 Cheddar-2.0 (02/12/2007) See Description Feature Undefined framework
#96 Cheddar-2.0p1 (07/15/2007) R. Couillet, A. Plantec, F. Singhoff, T. Vergnaud and B. Zalila Feature Undefined framework
#95 Cheddar-2.0p2 (//) F. Singhoff and A. Plantec Feature Undefined framework
#73 Several bugs F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#72 Predefined variable "nb_processors" F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#71 Parametric scheduler and several processor F. Singhoff Bug minor binaries
#70 Parametric scheduler and "not" operator F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#69 AADL export and " " in string F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#68 Memory leak in parametric scheduler F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#67 No check on uniform() F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#66 Delete processor and task dependencies F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#65 Delete processor and adress space F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#64 Update widget "undo set" F. Singhoff Bug major graphical_editor
#63 AADL import/export bugs F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#62 base-period and start times not equal to zero F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#61 Processor utilization factor, RM and harmonic tasks F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#60 Worst case blocking time with PCP F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#59 Response time with non preemptive RM F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#58 -I Cheddar switch on Linux F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#57 Cheddar identifiers and "-" character F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#56 Import AADL widget F. Singhoff Bug minor graphical_editor
#55 ''tasks.deadline" not writable F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#54 Critical_Section of Task_Precedencies AADL properties F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#53 Porting from ocarina 0 to ocarina 1 B. Zalila Bug minor framework
#52 Several parameters defined between two XML tags F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#51 AADL stood/cheddar interoperability F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#50 Return statement check problem F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#49 Feasibility tests can not be run with sporadic task F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#48 Nested if/then/else in sc file F. Singhoff Bug major framework
#47 Assignements in sc files F. Singhoff Bug minor framework
#46 DTD error Bug minor framework
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