
GtkRuler — Base class for horizontal or vertical rulers


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct              GtkRuler;
struct              GtkRulerMetric;
void                gtk_ruler_set_metric                (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         GtkMetricType metric);
void                gtk_ruler_set_range                 (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         gdouble lower,
                                                         gdouble upper,
                                                         gdouble position,
                                                         gdouble max_size);
GtkMetricType       gtk_ruler_get_metric                (GtkRuler *ruler);
void                gtk_ruler_get_range                 (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         gdouble *lower,
                                                         gdouble *upper,
                                                         gdouble *position,
                                                         gdouble *max_size);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkRuler implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkOrientable.


  "lower"                    gdouble               : Read / Write
  "max-size"                 gdouble               : Read / Write
  "metric"                   GtkMetricType         : Read / Write
  "position"                 gdouble               : Read / Write
  "upper"                    gdouble               : Read / Write



This widget is considered too specialized/little-used for GTK+, and will be removed in GTK 3. If your application needs this widget, feel free to use it, as the widget is useful in some applications; it's just not of general interest. However, we are not accepting new features for the widget, and it will move out of the GTK+ distribution.

The GTKRuler widget is a base class for horizontal and vertical rulers. Rulers are used to show the mouse pointer's location in a window. The ruler can either be horizontal or vertical on the window. Within the ruler a small triangle indicates the location of the mouse relative to the horizontal or vertical ruler. See GtkHRuler to learn how to create a new horizontal ruler. See GtkVRuler to learn how to create a new vertical ruler.


struct GtkRuler

struct GtkRuler;


GtkRuler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

All distances are in 1/72nd's of an inch. (According to Adobe thats a point, but points are really 1/72.27 in.)

struct GtkRulerMetric

struct GtkRulerMetric {
  gchar *metric_name;
  gchar *abbrev;
  /* This should be points_per_unit. This is the size of the unit
   * in 1/72nd's of an inch and has nothing to do with screen pixels */
  gdouble pixels_per_unit;
  gdouble ruler_scale[10];
  gint subdivide[5];        /* five possible modes of subdivision */


GtkRulerMetric has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being unmaintained and too specialized. There is no replacement.

This should be points_per_unit. This is the size of the unit in 1/72nd's of an inch and has nothing to do with screen pixels.

gtk_ruler_set_metric ()

void                gtk_ruler_set_metric                (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         GtkMetricType metric);


gtk_ruler_set_metric has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being unmaintained and too specialized. There is no replacement.

This calls the GTKMetricType to set the ruler to units defined. Available units are GTK_PIXELS, GTK_INCHES, or GTK_CENTIMETERS. The default unit of measurement is GTK_PIXELS.

ruler :

the gtkruler

metric :

the unit of measurement

gtk_ruler_set_range ()

void                gtk_ruler_set_range                 (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         gdouble lower,
                                                         gdouble upper,
                                                         gdouble position,
                                                         gdouble max_size);


gtk_ruler_set_range is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This sets the range of the ruler.

Deprecated: 2.24: GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being unmaintained and too specialized. There is no replacement.

ruler :

the gtkruler

lower :

the lower limit of the ruler

upper :

the upper limit of the ruler

position :

the mark on the ruler

max_size :

the maximum size of the ruler used when calculating the space to leave for the text

gtk_ruler_get_metric ()

GtkMetricType       gtk_ruler_get_metric                (GtkRuler *ruler);


gtk_ruler_get_metric is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Gets the units used for a GtkRuler. See gtk_ruler_set_metric().

ruler :

a GtkRuler

Returns :

the units currently used for ruler Deprecated: 2.24: GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being unmaintained and too specialized. There is no replacement.

gtk_ruler_get_range ()

void                gtk_ruler_get_range                 (GtkRuler *ruler,
                                                         gdouble *lower,
                                                         gdouble *upper,
                                                         gdouble *position,
                                                         gdouble *max_size);


gtk_ruler_get_range is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Retrieves values indicating the range and current position of a GtkRuler. See gtk_ruler_set_range().

Deprecated: 2.24: GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being unmaintained and too specialized. There is no replacement.

ruler :

a GtkRuler

lower :

location to store lower limit of the ruler, or NULL. [allow-none]

upper :

location to store upper limit of the ruler, or NULL. [allow-none]

position :

location to store the current position of the mark on the ruler, or NULL. [allow-none]

max_size :

location to store the maximum size of the ruler used when calculating the space to leave for the text, or NULL.

Property Details

The "lower" property

  "lower"                    gdouble               : Read / Write

Lower limit of ruler.

Default value: 0

The "max-size" property

  "max-size"                 gdouble               : Read / Write

Maximum size of the ruler.

Default value: 0

The "metric" property

  "metric"                   GtkMetricType         : Read / Write

The metric used for the ruler.

Default value: GTK_PIXELS

Since 2.8

The "position" property

  "position"                 gdouble               : Read / Write

Position of mark on the ruler.

Default value: 0

The "upper" property

  "upper"                    gdouble               : Read / Write

Upper limit of ruler.

Default value: 0

See Also

GtkHRuler, GtkVRuler