
GTlsCertificate — TLS certificate


GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_pem      (const gchar *data,
                                                         gssize length,
                                                         GError **error);
GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_file     (const gchar *file,
                                                         GError **error);
GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_files    (const gchar *cert_file,
                                                         const gchar *key_file,
                                                         GError **error);
GList *             g_tls_certificate_list_new_from_file
                                                        (const gchar *file,
                                                         GError **error);
GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_get_issuer        (GTlsCertificate *cert);
GTlsCertificateFlags  g_tls_certificate_verify          (GTlsCertificate *cert,
                                                         GSocketConnectable *identity,
                                                         GTlsCertificate *trusted_ca);

Object Hierarchy



  "certificate"              GByteArray*           : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "certificate-pem"          gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "issuer"                   GTlsCertificate*      : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "private-key"              GByteArray*           : Write / Construct Only
  "private-key-pem"          gchar*                : Write / Construct Only


A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption. This can represent either a public key only (eg, the certificate received by a client from a server), or the combination of a public key and a private key (which is needed when acting as a GTlsServerConnection).



typedef struct _GTlsCertificate GTlsCertificate;

Abstract base class for TLS certificate types.

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_new_from_pem ()

GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_pem      (const gchar *data,
                                                         gssize length,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in data. If data includes both a certificate and a private key, then the returned certificate will include the private key data as well.

If data includes multiple certificates, only the first one will be parsed.

data :

PEM-encoded certificate data

length :

the length of data, or -1 if it's 0-terminated.

error :

GError for error reporting, or NULL to ignore.

Returns :

the new certificate, or NULL if data is invalid

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_new_from_file ()

GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_file     (const gchar *file,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in file. If file cannot be read or parsed, the function will return NULL and set error. Otherwise, this behaves like g_tls_certificate_new().

file :

file containing a PEM-encoded certificate to import

error :

GError for error reporting, or NULL to ignore.

Returns :

the new certificate, or NULL on error

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_new_from_files ()

GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_new_from_files    (const gchar *cert_file,
                                                         const gchar *key_file,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in cert_file and key_file. If either file cannot be read or parsed, the function will return NULL and set error. Otherwise, this behaves like g_tls_certificate_new().

cert_file :

file containing a PEM-encoded certificate to import

key_file :

file containing a PEM-encoded private key to import

error :

GError for error reporting, or NULL to ignore.

Returns :

the new certificate, or NULL on error

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_list_new_from_file ()

GList *             g_tls_certificate_list_new_from_file
                                                        (const gchar *file,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates one or more GTlsCertificates from the PEM-encoded data in file. If file cannot be read or parsed, the function will return NULL and set error. If file does not contain any PEM-encoded certificates, this will return an empty list and not set error.

file :

file containing PEM-encoded certificates to import

error :

GError for error reporting, or NULL to ignore.

Returns :

a GList containing GTlsCertificate objects. You must free the list and its contents when you are done with it. [element-type Gio.TlsCertificate][transfer full]

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_get_issuer ()

GTlsCertificate *   g_tls_certificate_get_issuer        (GTlsCertificate *cert);

Gets the GTlsCertificate representing cert's issuer, if known

cert :

a GTlsCertificate

Returns :

The certificate of cert's issuer, or NULL if cert is self-signed or signed with an unknown certificate. [transfer none]

Since 2.28

g_tls_certificate_verify ()

GTlsCertificateFlags  g_tls_certificate_verify          (GTlsCertificate *cert,
                                                         GSocketConnectable *identity,
                                                         GTlsCertificate *trusted_ca);

This verifies cert and returns a set of GTlsCertificateFlags indicating any problems found with it. This can be used to verify a certificate outside the context of making a connection, or to check a certificate against a CA that is not part of the system CA database.

If identity is not NULL, cert's name(s) will be compared against it, and G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_BAD_IDENTITY will be set in the return value if it does not match. If identity is NULL, that bit will never be set in the return value.

If trusted_ca is not NULL, then cert (or one of the certificates in its chain) must be signed by it, or else G_TLS_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN_CA will be set in the return value. If trusted_ca is NULL, that bit will never be set in the return value.

(All other GTlsCertificateFlags values will always be set or unset as appropriate.)

cert :

a GTlsCertificate

identity :

the expected peer identity. [allow-none]

trusted_ca :

the certificate of a trusted authority. [allow-none]

Returns :

the appropriate GTlsCertificateFlags

Since 2.28

Property Details

The "certificate" property

  "certificate"              GByteArray*           : Read / Write / Construct Only

The DER (binary) encoded representation of the certificate's public key. This property and the "certificate-pem" property represent the same data, just in different forms.

Since 2.28

The "certificate-pem" property

  "certificate-pem"          gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The PEM (ASCII) encoded representation of the certificate's public key. This property and the "certificate" property represent the same data, just in different forms.

Default value: NULL

Since 2.28

The "issuer" property

  "issuer"                   GTlsCertificate*      : Read / Write / Construct Only

A GTlsCertificate representing the entity that issued this certificate. If NULL, this means that the certificate is either self-signed, or else the certificate of the issuer is not available.

Since 2.28

The "private-key" property

  "private-key"              GByteArray*           : Write / Construct Only

The DER (binary) encoded representation of the certificate's private key. This property (or the "private-key-pem" property) can be set when constructing a key (eg, from a file), but cannot be read.

Since 2.28

The "private-key-pem" property

  "private-key-pem"          gchar*                : Write / Construct Only

The PEM (ASCII) encoded representation of the certificate's private key. This property (or the "private-key" property) can be set when constructing a key (eg, from a file), but cannot be read.

Default value: NULL

Since 2.28

See Also
