
GSimpleActionGroup — A simple GActionGroup implementation



GSimpleActionGroup *     g_simple_action_group_new      (void);

GAction *                g_simple_action_group_lookup   (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);
void                g_simple_action_group_insert        (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         GAction *action);
void                g_simple_action_group_remove        (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GSimpleActionGroup implements GActionGroup.


GSimpleActionGroup is a hash table filled with GAction objects, implementing the GActionGroup interface.



typedef struct _GSimpleActionGroup GSimpleActionGroup;

The GSimpleActionGroup structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.

Since 2.28

g_simple_action_group_new ()

GSimpleActionGroup *     g_simple_action_group_new      (void);

Creates a new, empty, GSimpleActionGroup.

Returns :

a new GSimpleActionGroup

Since 2.28

g_simple_action_group_lookup ()

GAction *                g_simple_action_group_lookup   (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);

Looks up the action with the name action_name in the group.

If no such action exists, returns NULL.

simple :

a GSimpleActionGroup

action_name :

the name of an action

Returns :

a GAction, or NULL. [transfer none]

Since 2.28

g_simple_action_group_insert ()

void                g_simple_action_group_insert        (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         GAction *action);

Adds an action to the action group.

If the action group already contains an action with the same name as action then the old action is dropped from the group.

The action group takes its own reference on action.

simple :

a GSimpleActionGroup

action :

a GAction

Since 2.28

g_simple_action_group_remove ()

void                g_simple_action_group_remove        (GSimpleActionGroup *simple,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);

Removes the named action from the action group.

If no action of this name is in the group then nothing happens.

simple :

a GSimpleActionGroup

action_name :

the name of the action

Since 2.28