
GInetSocketAddress — Internet GSocketAddress


GSocketAddress *    g_inet_socket_address_new           (GInetAddress *address,
                                                         guint16 port);
GInetAddress *      g_inet_socket_address_get_address   (GInetSocketAddress *address);
guint16             g_inet_socket_address_get_port      (GInetSocketAddress *address);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GInetSocketAddress implements GSocketConnectable.


  "address"                  GInetAddress*         : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "port"                     guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only


An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address; that is, the combination of a GInetAddress and a port number.



typedef struct _GInetSocketAddress GInetSocketAddress;

An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address, corresponding to a struct sockaddr_in or struct sockaddr_in6.

g_inet_socket_address_new ()

GSocketAddress *    g_inet_socket_address_new           (GInetAddress *address,
                                                         guint16 port);

Creates a new GInetSocketAddress for address and port.

address :

a GInetAddress

port :

a port number

Returns :

a new GInetSocketAddress

Since 2.22

g_inet_socket_address_get_address ()

GInetAddress *      g_inet_socket_address_get_address   (GInetSocketAddress *address);

Gets address's GInetAddress.

address :

a GInetSocketAddress

Returns :

the GInetAddress for address, which must be g_object_ref()'d if it will be stored. [transfer none]

Since 2.22

g_inet_socket_address_get_port ()

guint16             g_inet_socket_address_get_port      (GInetSocketAddress *address);

Gets address's port.

address :

a GInetSocketAddress

Returns :

the port for address

Since 2.22

Property Details

The "address" property

  "address"                  GInetAddress*         : Read / Write / Construct Only

The address.

The "port" property

  "port"                     guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only

The port.

Allowed values: <= 65535

Default value: 0