
GIcon — Interface for icons


#include <gio/gio.h>

struct              GIconIface;
guint               g_icon_hash                         (gconstpointer icon);
gboolean            g_icon_equal                        (GIcon *icon1,
                                                         GIcon *icon2);
gchar *             g_icon_to_string                    (GIcon *icon);
GIcon *             g_icon_new_for_string               (const gchar *str,
                                                         GError **error);

Object Hierarchy



GIcon requires GObject.

Known Derived Interfaces

GIcon is required by GLoadableIcon.

Known Implementations

GIcon is implemented by GEmblem, GEmblemedIcon, GFileIcon and GThemedIcon.


GIcon is a very minimal interface for icons. It provides functions for checking the equality of two icons, hashing of icons and serializing an icon to and from strings.

GIcon does not provide the actual pixmap for the icon as this is out of GIO's scope, however implementations of GIcon may contain the name of an icon (see GThemedIcon), or the path to an icon (see GLoadableIcon).

To obtain a hash of a GIcon, see g_icon_hash().

To check if two GIcons are equal, see g_icon_equal().

For serializing a GIcon, use g_icon_to_string() and g_icon_new_for_string().

If your application or library provides one or more GIcon implementations you need to ensure that each GType is registered with the type system prior to calling g_icon_new_for_string().



typedef struct _GIcon GIcon;

An abstract type that specifies an icon.

struct GIconIface

struct GIconIface {
  GTypeInterface g_iface;

  /* Virtual Table */

  guint       (* hash)        (GIcon   *icon);
  gboolean    (* equal)       (GIcon   *icon1,
                               GIcon   *icon2);
  gboolean    (* to_tokens)   (GIcon   *icon,
			       GPtrArray *tokens,
                               gint    *out_version);
  GIcon *     (* from_tokens) (gchar  **tokens,
                               gint     num_tokens,
                               gint     version,
                               GError **error);

GIconIface is used to implement GIcon types for various different systems. See GThemedIcon and GLoadableIcon for examples of how to implement this interface.

GTypeInterface g_iface;

The parent interface.

hash ()

A hash for a given GIcon.

equal ()

Checks if two GIcons are equal.

to_tokens ()

Serializes a GIcon into tokens. The tokens must not contain any whitespace. Don't implement if the GIcon can't be serialized (Since 2.20).

from_tokens ()

Constructs a GIcon from tokens. Set the GError if the tokens are malformed. Don't implement if the GIcon can't be serialized (Since 2.20).

g_icon_hash ()

guint               g_icon_hash                         (gconstpointer icon);

Gets a hash for an icon.

Virtual: hash

icon :

gconstpointer to an icon object.

Returns :

a guint containing a hash for the icon, suitable for use in a GHashTable or similar data structure.

g_icon_equal ()

gboolean            g_icon_equal                        (GIcon *icon1,
                                                         GIcon *icon2);

Checks if two icons are equal.

icon1 :

pointer to the first GIcon.

icon2 :

pointer to the second GIcon.

Returns :

TRUE if icon1 is equal to icon2. FALSE otherwise.

g_icon_to_string ()

gchar *             g_icon_to_string                    (GIcon *icon);

Generates a textual representation of icon that can be used for serialization such as when passing icon to a different process or saving it to persistent storage. Use g_icon_new_for_string() to get icon back from the returned string.

The encoding of the returned string is proprietary to GIcon except in the following two cases

  • If icon is a GFileIcon, the returned string is a native path (such as /path/to/my icon.png) without escaping if the GFile for icon is a native file. If the file is not native, the returned string is the result of g_file_get_uri() (such as sftp://path/to/my%20icon.png).

  • If icon is a GThemedIcon with exactly one name, the encoding is simply the name (such as network-server).

Virtual: to_tokens

icon :

a GIcon.

Returns :

An allocated NUL-terminated UTF8 string or NULL if icon can't be serialized. Use g_free() to free.

Since 2.20

g_icon_new_for_string ()

GIcon *             g_icon_new_for_string               (const gchar *str,
                                                         GError **error);

Generate a GIcon instance from str. This function can fail if str is not valid - see g_icon_to_string() for discussion.

If your application or library provides one or more GIcon implementations you need to ensure that each GType is registered with the type system prior to calling g_icon_new_for_string().

str :

A string obtained via g_icon_to_string().

error :

Return location for error.

Returns :

An object implementing the GIcon interface or NULL if error is set. [transfer full]

Since 2.20