
AtkTable — The ATK interface implemented for UI components which contain tabular or row/column information.


AtkObject*          atk_table_ref_at                    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);
gint                atk_table_get_index_at              (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);
gint                atk_table_get_column_at_index       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint index_);
gint                atk_table_get_row_at_index          (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint index_);
gint                atk_table_get_n_columns             (AtkTable *table);
gint                atk_table_get_n_rows                (AtkTable *table);
gint                atk_table_get_column_extent_at      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);
gint                atk_table_get_row_extent_at         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);
AtkObject *         atk_table_get_caption               (AtkTable *table);
const gchar *       atk_table_get_column_description    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);
const gchar *       atk_table_get_row_description       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);
AtkObject*          atk_table_get_column_header         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);
AtkObject*          atk_table_get_row_header            (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);
AtkObject*          atk_table_get_summary               (AtkTable *table);
void                atk_table_set_caption               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         AtkObject *caption);
void                atk_table_set_row_description       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         const gchar *description);
void                atk_table_set_column_description    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         const gchar *description);
void                atk_table_set_row_header            (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         AtkObject *header);
void                atk_table_set_column_header         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         AtkObject *header);
void                atk_table_set_summary               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         AtkObject *accessible);
gint                atk_table_get_selected_columns      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint **selected);
gint                atk_table_get_selected_rows         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint **selected);
gboolean            atk_table_is_column_selected        (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);
gboolean            atk_table_is_row_selected           (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);
gboolean            atk_table_is_selected               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);
gboolean            atk_table_add_column_selection      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);
gboolean            atk_table_add_row_selection         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);
gboolean            atk_table_remove_column_selection   (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);
gboolean            atk_table_remove_row_selection      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtkTable is implemented by AtkNoOpObject.


  "column-deleted"                                 : Run Last
  "column-inserted"                                : Run Last
  "column-reordered"                               : Run Last
  "model-changed"                                  : Run Last
  "row-deleted"                                    : Run Last
  "row-inserted"                                   : Run Last
  "row-reordered"                                  : Run Last


AtkTable should be implemented by components which present elements ordered via rows and columns. It may also be used to present tree-structured information if the nodes of the trees can be said to contain multiple "columns". Individual elements of an AtkTable are typically referred to as "cells", and these cells are exposed by AtkTable as child AtkObjects of the AtkTable. Both row/column and child-index-based access to these children is provided.

Children of AtkTable are frequently "lightweight" objects, that is, they may not have backing widgets in the host UI toolkit. They are therefore often transient.

Since tables are often very complex, AtkTable includes provision for offering simplified summary information, as well as row and column headers and captions. Headers and captions are AtkObjects which may implement other interfaces (AtkText, AtkImage, etc.) as appropriate. AtkTable summaries may themselves be (simplified) AtkTables, etc.



typedef struct _AtkTable AtkTable;

The AtkTable structure does not contain any fields.

atk_table_ref_at ()

AtkObject*          atk_table_ref_at                    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);

Get a reference to the table cell at row, column.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a AtkObject* representing the referred to accessible

atk_table_get_index_at ()

gint                atk_table_get_index_at              (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);

Gets a gint representing the index at the specified row and column.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gint representing the index at specified position. The value -1 is returned if the object at row,column is not a child of table or table does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_column_at_index ()

gint                atk_table_get_column_at_index       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint index_);

Gets a gint representing the column at the specified index_.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableInterface

index_ :

a gint representing an index in table

Returns :

a gint representing the column at the specified index, or -1 if the table does not implement this interface

atk_table_get_row_at_index ()

gint                atk_table_get_row_at_index          (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint index_);

Gets a gint representing the row at the specified index_.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableInterface

index_ :

a gint representing an index in table

Returns :

a gint representing the row at the specified index, or -1 if the table does not implement this interface

atk_table_get_n_columns ()

gint                atk_table_get_n_columns             (AtkTable *table);

Gets the number of columns in the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

Returns :

a gint representing the number of columns, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_n_rows ()

gint                atk_table_get_n_rows                (AtkTable *table);

Gets the number of rows in the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

Returns :

a gint representing the number of rows, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_column_extent_at ()

gint                atk_table_get_column_extent_at      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);

Gets the number of columns occupied by the accessible object at the specified row and column in the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gint representing the column extent at specified position, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_row_extent_at ()

gint                atk_table_get_row_extent_at         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);

Gets the number of rows occupied by the accessible object at a specified row and column in the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gint representing the row extent at specified position, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_caption ()

AtkObject *         atk_table_get_caption               (AtkTable *table);

Gets the caption for the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableInterface

Returns :

a AtkObject* representing the table caption, or NULL if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_column_description ()

const gchar *       atk_table_get_column_description    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);

Gets the description text of the specified column in the table

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gchar* representing the column description, or NULL if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_row_description ()

const gchar *       atk_table_get_row_description       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Gets the description text of the specified row in the table

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

Returns :

a gchar* representing the row description, or NULL if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_column_header ()

AtkObject*          atk_table_get_column_header         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);

Gets the column header of a specified column in an accessible table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in the table

Returns :

a AtkObject* representing the specified column header, or NULL if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_row_header ()

AtkObject*          atk_table_get_row_header            (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in the table

Returns :

a AtkObject* representing the specified row header, or NULL if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_summary ()

AtkObject*          atk_table_get_summary               (AtkTable *table);

Gets the summary description of the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

Returns :

a AtkObject* representing a summary description of the table, or zero if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_set_caption ()

void                atk_table_set_caption               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         AtkObject *caption);

Sets the caption for the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

caption :

a AtkObject representing the caption to set for table

atk_table_set_row_description ()

void                atk_table_set_row_description       (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         const gchar *description);

Sets the description text for the specified row of table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

description :

a gchar representing the description text to set for the specified row of table

atk_table_set_column_description ()

void                atk_table_set_column_description    (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         const gchar *description);

Sets the description text for the specified column of the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

description :

a gchar representing the description text to set for the specified column of the table

atk_table_set_row_header ()

void                atk_table_set_row_header            (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         AtkObject *header);

Sets the specified row header to header.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

header :

an AtkTable

atk_table_set_column_header ()

void                atk_table_set_column_header         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column,
                                                         AtkObject *header);

Sets the specified column header to header.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

header :

an AtkTable

atk_table_set_summary ()

void                atk_table_set_summary               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         AtkObject *accessible);

Sets the summary description of the table.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

accessible :

an AtkObject representing the summary description to set for table

atk_table_get_selected_columns ()

gint                atk_table_get_selected_columns      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint **selected);

Gets the selected columns of the table by initializing **selected with the selected column numbers. This array should be freed by the caller.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

selected :

a gint** that is to contain the selected columns numbers

Returns :

a gint representing the number of selected columns, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_get_selected_rows ()

gint                atk_table_get_selected_rows         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint **selected);

Gets the selected rows of the table by initializing **selected with the selected row numbers. This array should be freed by the caller.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

selected :

a gint** that is to contain the selected row numbers

Returns :

a gint representing the number of selected rows, or zero if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_is_column_selected ()

gboolean            atk_table_is_column_selected        (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is selected

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the column is selected, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_is_row_selected ()

gboolean            atk_table_is_row_selected           (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is selected

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the row is selected, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_is_selected ()

gboolean            atk_table_is_selected               (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint column);

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the accessible object at the specified row and column is selected

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the cell is selected, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_add_column_selection ()

gboolean            atk_table_add_column_selection      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);

Adds the specified column to the selection.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the column was successfully added to the selection, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_add_row_selection ()

gboolean            atk_table_add_row_selection         (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Adds the specified row to the selection.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if row was successfully added to selection, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_remove_column_selection ()

gboolean            atk_table_remove_column_selection   (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint column);

Adds the specified column to the selection.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

column :

a gint representing a column in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the column was successfully removed from the selection, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

atk_table_remove_row_selection ()

gboolean            atk_table_remove_row_selection      (AtkTable *table,
                                                         gint row);

Removes the specified row from the selection.

table :

a GObject instance that implements AtkTableIface

row :

a gint representing a row in table

Returns :

a gboolean representing if the row was successfully removed from the selection, or 0 if value does not implement this interface.

Signal Details

The "column-deleted" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "column-deleted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is deleted.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

The index of the first column deleted.

arg2 :

The number of columns deleted.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "column-inserted" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "column-inserted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

The index of the column inserted.

arg2 :

The number of colums inserted.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "column-reordered" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "column-reordered" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the columns are reordered.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "model-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "model-changed" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the model displayed by the table changes.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "row-deleted" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "row-deleted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

The index of the first row deleted.

arg2 :

The number of rows deleted.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "row-inserted" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "row-inserted" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when a column is inserted.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

The index of the first row deleted.

arg2 :

The number of rows deleted.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "row-reordered" signal

void                user_function                      (AtkTable *atktable,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "row-reordered" signal is emitted by an object which implements the AtkTable interface when the columns are reordered.

atktable :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also