


07:51 Ticket #150 (cheddar crash when one try to modify the name of an adress space) closed by singhoff
07:49 Ticket #151 (Cheddar crash when one try to add a task from a task selection) closed by singhoff
fixed: fixed
07:47 Ticket #137 (Sporadic and event table problem) closed by singhoff
fixed: fixed
07:46 Ticket #150 (cheddar crash when one try to modify the name of an adress space) reopened by singhoff
07:45 Ticket #150 (cheddar crash when one try to modify the name of an adress space) closed by singhoff
fixed: fixed
07:43 Ticket #30 (Gtk_Entry widget size) closed by singhoff
fixed: deprecated as we have change the MMI implementation
07:43 Ticket #143 (Jitter in simulation) closed by singhoff
fixed: done, please do not forget to activate the corresponding scheduling …
07:42 Ticket #28 (some exceptions from dependence windows are not catched) closed by singhoff
fixed: deprecated : the MMI has been rewritten without this window
07:41 Ticket #109 (Ocarina 1.2) closed by singhoff
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.