


01:28 Ticket #123 (DTD of cheddar XML files is wrong) created by J. Hugues
the XML cheddar file layout has been changed ... but the DTD was not …


22:59 Ticket #119 (error in XML export of AADL models) closed by singhoff
22:58 Ticket #119 (error in XML export of AADL models) reopened by singhoff
22:58 Ticket #119 (error in XML export of AADL models) closed by singhoff
22:39 Ticket #122 (XML Cheddar file printer without graphics properties) closed by singhoff
22:39 Ticket #122 (XML Cheddar file printer without graphics properties) created by J. Hugues
Add a parameter to XML Cheddar printer in order to print XML Cheddar …


18:31 Ticket #121 (Potential bug related to non preemptive EDF) created by Dimitris Deligiorgis
si the file attached for the description of the bug


15:52 Ticket #120 (No unit of time with AADL models are imported) created by J. Hugues (ISAE)
When an AADL model is imported into Cheddar, we assume that all properties …
15:47 Ticket #119 (error in XML export of AADL models) created by J. Hugues (ISAE)
when an AADL model is imported from ocarina when this model does not have …
15:44 Ticket #118 (Scheduling simulatio with varying task capacity) created by J . Hugues (ISAE)
Add a feature to cheddar that allows the user to run scheduling …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.