Ticket #95 (new Feature) — at Initial Version

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

Patch 2 features

Reported by: F. Singhoff and A. Plantec Owned by:
Priority: Undefined Milestone: 2.0
Component: framework Version:
Keywords: Cc:


F29!09/08/07 requested by : Singhoff low
implemented by : Singhoff

After a scheduling simulation and when we compute task response time from the simulation, if a task did not run all its capacity, a message is deplayed in order to warn the user

F28!08/10/07 requested by : Singhoff, Plantec medium
implemented by : Singhoff, Plantec

Implement an API which allows users to compile a Cheddar program and to generated Ada packages implementing such a Cheddar program into the Cheddar real time scheduling engine. Such an Ada package is generated by Platypus Meta-CASE tool.
The Cheddar language meta-model and and the Ada generator handled by Platypus is store into the "platypus" sub-directory of the Cheddar SVN repository.

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