Ticket #21 (new Bug) — at Version 2

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

Integrity check on XML files

Reported by: singhoff Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 3.1
Component: framework Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by singhoff) (diff)

An integrity check is missing when a XML file is loaded
into the tool : we currently do not check, for a task,
that its address space and its processor exist.

this check must be implemented into the task_set package
(see Check_Task subprogram)

Change History

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by singhoff

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by singhoff

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Milestone changed from 2.1 to Unknown
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