{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (42 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Milestone 2.1 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#188 Switching_Type in networks.ads framework trunk Bug S. Rubini new 05/24/22

Milestone Unknown (41 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#39 End to end response time too much pessimistic binaries Bug new 06/17/08
#136 Multiprocessor system shared data problem framework Bug reopened 10/15/13
#138 Project with several components problem framework Bug new 10/15/13
#169 Partitioned scheduling does not work as it should framework trunk Bug new 06/14/19
#22 Worst case task response time with POSIX 1003 binaries Feature new 05/20/08
#84 Increase flexibility to describe AADL data usage by threads framework Feature new 06/17/08
#85 Common variables between processors framework Feature new 06/17/08
#87 Multiples dimensions array in .sc files framework Feature new 06/17/08
#88 Unable/Disable task preemption framework Feature new 06/17/08
#89 Functions and procedures in the .sc file parser framework Feature new 06/17/08
#92 Cheddar configuration framework Feature new 06/17/08
#94 Message scheduling features framework Feature new 06/17/08
#6 Cheddar Crash in AADL import modification framework trunk Bug assigned 03/04/08
#7 small memory leak in simulation framework trunk Bug new 03/06/08
#14 Automata user-defined scheduler interpreter framework Bug new 04/08/08
#17 EDF non preemptive and periodic tasks framework trunk Bug new 05/05/08
#18 LLF non preemptive and periodic tasks framework trunk Bug new 05/05/08
#33 Extra type error with random variable of .sc program framework Bug new 06/06/08
#35 Missing integrity check with Partitionning RM algorithms framework Bug new 06/06/08
#36 Default AADL property files framework trunk Bug new 06/17/08
#40 AADL project import framework Bug new 06/17/08
#41 AADL component without implementation framework Bug new 06/17/08
#42 Parametric scheduler : double user defined parameters framework Bug new 06/17/08
#43 Problem with General task partitioning framework Bug new 06/17/08
#44 Utilization cpu factor test for preemptive DM framework Bug new 06/17/08
#139 event table computing problem with parametric scheduler framework Bug new 10/17/13
#142 Precedence dependence with multi core framework Bug new 04/04/14
#152 Offset and start time attributes of task framework Bug new 01/13/16
#166 XML event table printer binaries Bug new 05/03/18
#168 Wrong feasibility test on EDF binaries Bug S. rubini new 12/20/18
#4 New Information in simulation diagram graphical_editor trunk Feature Jerome new 03/04/08
#13 Cheddar project file backup (crash) graphical_editor trunk Feature new 04/03/08
#23 Entry widget for directory/file name graphical_editor Feature new 05/20/08
#24 Display on the GANNT task release time graphical_editor Feature new 05/20/08
#31 Update of the working directory graphical_editor Feature new 06/06/08
#83 Allow feasibility tests for periodic tasks to be applied on sporadic tasks. framework Feature new 06/17/08
#90 User defined size array framework Feature new 06/17/08
#91 "for" range framework Feature new 06/17/08
#118 Scheduling simulatio with varying task capacity framework Feature new 11/02/09
#129 Export attributes of network entity in .sc files framework Feature new 01/12/11
#25 Message scheduling does not work any more .... binaries Task new 05/20/08
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