Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Version Status Owner Type Priority
#14 Automata user-defined scheduler interpreter new Bug minor
#22 Worst case task response time with POSIX 1003 new Feature major
#23 Entry widget for directory/file name new Feature minor
#24 Display on the GANNT task release time new Feature minor
#25 Message scheduling does not work any more .... new Task minor
#31 Update of the working directory new Feature minor
#33 Extra type error with random variable of .sc program new Bug minor
#35 Missing integrity check with Partitionning RM algorithms new Bug minor
#39 End to end response time too much pessimistic new Bug major
#40 AADL project import new Bug minor
#41 AADL component without implementation new Bug minor
#42 Parametric scheduler : double user defined parameters new Bug minor
#43 Problem with General task partitioning new Bug minor
#44 Utilization cpu factor test for preemptive DM new Bug minor
#83 Allow feasibility tests for periodic tasks to be applied on sporadic tasks. new Feature minor
#84 Increase flexibility to describe AADL data usage by threads new Feature major
#85 Common variables between processors new Feature major
#87 Multiples dimensions array in .sc files new Feature major
#88 Unable/Disable task preemption new Feature major
#89 Functions and procedures in the .sc file parser new Feature major
#90 User defined size array new Feature minor
#91 "for" range new Feature minor
#92 Cheddar configuration new Feature major
#94 Message scheduling features new Feature major
#118 Scheduling simulatio with varying task capacity new Feature minor
#129 Export attributes of network entity in .sc files new Feature minor
#138 Project with several components problem new Bug major
#139 event table computing problem with parametric scheduler new Bug minor
#142 Precedence dependence with multi core new Bug minor
#152 Offset and start time attributes of task new Bug minor
#166 XML event table printer new Bug minor
#168 Wrong feasibility test on EDF new S. rubini Bug minor
#136 Multiprocessor system shared data problem reopened Bug major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.