Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#119 error in XML export of AADL models singhoff Bug critical fixed
#19 RM non preemptive and periodic tasks legrand Bug major trunk fixed
#32 max_to_index and min_to_index have the same behavior Bug major fixed
#115 Shared ressource/buffer/message simulation with non preemptive scheduler singhoff Bug major fixed
#121 Potential bug related to non preemptive EDF Bug major fixed
#124 Pipeline user defined scheduler singhoff Bug major fixed
#34 Type error with operator get_task_index Bug minor fixed
#37 SCC error Bug minor fixed
#113 Fix Cheddar_Properties::Source_Text definition singhoff Bug minor fixed
#114 variables messages.ready not defined into the sc programs interpreters singhoff Bug minor fixed
#117 XML Cheddar import fails when blank and non printable characters are present inside a XML tag singhoff Bug minor fixed
#122 XML Cheddar file printer without graphics properties singhoff Feature minor fixed
#123 DTD of cheddar XML files is wrong Bug minor fixed
#125 Two integrity checks were missing for processor utilization factor tests singhoff Bug minor fixed
#128 IPCP blocking time Bug minor fixed
#131 add "suspended' task variable in the user defined scheduling langage singhoff Feature minor fixed
#140 Mistake in the integrity checks of messages Bug minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.