Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#180 Precedency scheduling is restricted to task with the same period singhoff Feature minor fixed
#182 Cheddar ADL objects ID are wrong when model are edited by hand singhoff Bug minor trunk fixed
#183 POSIX scheduling does not run correctly a set of tasks with the same priority level but with different start time singhoff Bug minor fixed
#184 Completion_Time attribute for cyclic task entities singhoff Feature minor trunk fixed
#187 Hierarchical scheduling for ARINC653 does not work when several independent processors are defiend singhoff Bug major fixed
#120 No unit of time with AADL models are imported Bug minor fixed
#175 Pfair scheduling : error when computing quantum parameters Bug minor fixed
#176 ARINC 653 : a partition must have at least one task Bug minor fixed
#178 Core affinity for multicore architecture Feature minor trunk fixed
#179 Typecast functions in user defined schedulers Feature minor fixed
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