------------------------------ SUPPORTED DISPATCH PROTOCOLS ------------------------------ Comparison of the AADL dispatch protocols: - Periodic: The thread is dispatched periodically. - Sporadic: The thread is dispatched on event, but cannot execute mor often than its period. The specified period corresponds to a minimum inter-arrival time. - Aperiodic: The thread is dispatched on event, without inter-arrival time constraint. - Hybrid: The thread is dispatched every period and also on event. - Timed: The thread is dispatched on event and also after a delay of one period since the last dispatch. The specified period corresponds to a timeout. - Backgroung: the thread is dispatched when the processor is free. The project contains a scenario file that generates dispatch events for the Sporadic, Aperiodic, Hybrid and Timed threads. Notes: - Aperiodic and Background are not supported by Cheddar - Hybrid and Timed are managed as Periodic by Cheddar - Background does not well supported by Marzhin yet