-------------------------------------- TIMING, SAFETY AND SECURITY ANALYSIS -------------------------------------- This project describes a generic sensor-processing-actuator control system that is used to perform: - timing analysis (flow latency) - safety analysis (fault tree) - security analysis (custom security rules). This example was used to a illustrate paper presented during ERTS 2020 conference https://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-02433963/document. It contains two AADL files and a simulation scenario. - File control_system.aadl contains the architectural description of a four nodes network where a main end to end data flow from sensor acquisition to actuator setting is defined. It includes Error Model and Behavior Specification annexes. - File control_system_types.aadl contains the definition of the data types that are used for the messages that are exchanged across the network. They are characterized by a size and a security_level. Almost all the available verification tools can be applied to this example, with the following comments: - Used security model is expressed by a dedicated property set, and a set of security rules that are defined in prolog language in the LAMP annex library (Environment/Ellidiss/LAMPLib/LAMPSecurity). - Timing Analysis tab: Cheddar cannot manage tasks of different periods having precedencies. However, the Marzhin simulator can deal with that.