=========SUMMARY========= - Run OPA on case study in Audsley, 1991 - Run CPA-ECB, CPA-PT, CPA-PT-Simplified, CPA-Tree =========INSTRUCTION========= - cd (Cheddar Directory)/trunk/src - source ../compile.bash - make priorityAssignment - ./priority assignment -t A =========RESULT========= - Results are displayed on the command line. =========PACKAGE DESCRIPTION========= - call_test_pa.adb : entry point - audsley_opa_test.adb/ads : test and case study in Audsley, 1991 - audsley_opa_crpd_test.adb/ads : test and case study for CPA algorithms (Nam's thesis) - efficiency_test.adb/ads : test for schedulability task set coverage - priority_assignment_test_printer.adb/ads : printing methods (not important)