AFLEX ----- The Input/Output structure of generated scanners has been changed to make things work as users expect. Standard_Input and Standard_Output should now end up where they were before the call to YYLex. AYACC ----- AYACC would generate illegal package names given certain input file names. This was previously corrected in the VADS6 version, but the change wasn't propogated to the main sources due to an error in configuration management. Thank you to Michael Schwartz for pointing this out. AYACC wouldn't work under some versions of the ALSYS compiler due to an erroneous construct involving order of parameter evaluation in the file lalr_symbol_info_body.a. Thank you to for this fix. Added checks and error messages for parse stack overflow in generated parsers. Thank you to Susan Eilers for these patches. AYACC would fail silently if it couldn't open it's output files. The ada_parser example (which is very frequently used as a basis for tools) had some errors which caused it to reject legal code. S A McConnell contributed a set of revisions which allow the ada_parser to parse the entire ACVC 1.11 collection. NOTE: The machine-specific ports may contain errors. I added the new code in by hand-patching, and I don't have any of these compilers to try my fixes. Any errors will likely be minor typos. If you come across an error, no matter how small, please report it so I can fix the distribution