--!TRACE is activated L 1 L 2 start_section : L 3 L 4 b : boolean := false; L 5 i : array (tasks_range) of integer; L 6 j : integer; L 7 L 8 end section; L 9 L 10 L 11 priority_section : L 12 L 13 L 14 if (not b) L 15 then j:=100; L 16 j:=100; L 17 j:=100; L 18 j:=100; L 19 i(100000):=100; L 20 j:=100; L 21 end if; L 22 L 23 put(i,0,0); L 24 L 25 end section; L 26 L 27 election_section : L 28 L 29 return min_to_index(tasks.period); L 30 L 31 end section; L 32 - Simulation error : Statement error, line 20, processor cpu, file not.sc ; Exception raised :CONSTRAINT_ERROR:interpreter-extended.adb:832 range check failed Scheduling simulation, Processor cpu : - Number of context switches : 0 - Number of preemptions : 0 - Task response time computed from simulation : T1 => 0/worst , response time not computed since the task did not run all its capacity - One or several tasks did not complete their execution.  0 TASK_ACTIVATION