Scheduling feasibility, Processor cpu6 : 1) Feasibility test based on the processor utilization factor : - The feasibility interval is 10.0, see Goossens and Devillers (1997) from [21]. - 9 units of time are unused in the feasibility interval. - Number of cores hosted by this processor : 1. - Processor utilization factor with deadline is 0.10000 (see [1], page 6). - Processor utilization factor with period is 0.10000 (see [1], page 6). - In the preemptive case, with EDF, the task set is schedulable because the processor utilization factor 0.10000 is equal or less than 1.00000 (see [1], page 8, theorem 2). 2) Feasibility test based on worst case response time for periodic tasks : - Worst case task response time : dumy => 1 - All task deadlines will be met : the task set is schedulable.