package root public with Cheddar_Transformation_Properties; with Cheddar_Parameters_Properties; thread a_task end a_task; thread implementation a_task.Impl end a_task.Impl; process a_process end a_process; process implementation a_process.Impl subcomponents T1 : thread a_task.Impl; T2 : thread a_task.Impl; T3 : thread a_task.Impl; properties Deadline => 5000 us applies to T1; Period => 5000 us applies to T1; Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic applies to T1; Priority=>100 applies to T1; Compute_Execution_Time => 2000 us .. 3000 us applies to T1; Deadline => 20 ms applies to T2; Period => 20 ms applies to T2; Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic applies to T2; Priority=>99 applies to T2; Compute_Execution_Time => 6 ms .. 7 ms applies to T2; Deadline => 100 ms applies to T3; Period => 100 ms applies to T3; Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic applies to T3; Priority=>98 applies to T3; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 4 ms applies to T3; end a_process.Impl; processor cpu properties Scheduling_Protocol=>(POSIX_1003_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_FIRST_PROTOCOL); end cpu; system a_sys end a_sys; system implementation a_sys.Impl subcomponents process1 : process a_process.Impl; cpu1 : processor cpu; properties Actual_Processor_Binding => (reference(cpu1)) applies to process1; -- Few specific Cheddar properties to drive the analysis with OSATE2 -- Cheddar_Transformation_Properties::Exported_Attribute_Time_Units => MilliSecond; Cheddar_Parameters_Properties::Cheddar_Working_Folder => "C:\\Users\\singhoff//Desktop//Cheddar_Bin//"; Cheddar_Parameters_Properties::Cheddar_Install_Folder => "C:\\Users\\singhoff//Desktop//Cheddar_Bin//"; end a_sys.Impl; end root;