package main public with Cheddar_Properties; thread ordo_bus properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 125 ms; Deadline => 125 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 25 ms; Priority => 10 ; Cheddar_Properties::POSIX_Scheduling_Policy => SCHED_RR; end ordo_bus; thread implementation ordo_bus.Impl end ordo_bus.Impl; thread donnees properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 125 ms; Deadline => 125 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 25 ms .. 25 ms; Priority => 9 ; Cheddar_Properties::POSIX_Scheduling_Policy => SCHED_FIFO; end donnees; thread implementation donnees.Impl end donnees.Impl; thread pilotage properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 250 ms; Deadline => 250 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 25 ms .. 25 ms; Priority => 8 ; end pilotage; thread implementation pilotage.Impl end pilotage.Impl; thread radio properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 250 ms; Deadline => 250 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 25 ms .. 25 ms; Priority => 7 ; end radio; thread implementation radio.Impl end radio.Impl; thread camera properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 250 ms; Deadline => 250 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 25 ms .. 25 ms; Priority => 6 ; end camera; thread implementation camera.Impl end camera.Impl; thread mesure properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 5000 ms; Deadline => 5000 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 50 ms .. 50 ms; Priority => 5 ; end mesure; thread implementation mesure.Impl end mesure.Impl; thread meteo properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 5000 ms; Deadline => 5000 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 50 ms .. 75 ms; Priority => 4 ; end meteo; thread implementation meteo.Impl end meteo.Impl; process Application end Application; process implementation Application.Impl subcomponents ordo_bus : thread ordo_bus.Impl; donnees : thread donnees.Impl; pilotage : thread pilotage.Impl; radio : thread radio.Impl; camera : thread camera.Impl; mesure : thread mesure.Impl; meteo : thread meteo.Impl; end Application.Impl; processor cpu properties Scheduling_Protocol=>(POSIX_1003_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_FIRST_PROTOCOL); end cpu; system mars end mars; system implementation mars.Impl subcomponents process1 : process application.Impl; cpu1 : processor cpu; properties Actual_Processor_Binding => (reference (cpu1)) applies to process1; end mars.Impl; end main;