# Cheddar 3.3 User Guide The user guide is available at: http://beru.univ-brest.fr/cheddar/ug/ug_v3_3/ # docs folder Markdown source of the userguide. **To update the user's guide, we should modify the content in this folder.** # site folder HTML output of the mkdocs build command. **The content will be overriden after each build** The content can be visualized locally; however, navigation works better when the website is hosted on a web server. # Building the user guide To build the user guide, we need to have mkdocs and its enumerate-headings plugin installed ## MkDocs installation * Follow instructions on: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/installation/ ## MkDocs plugin * To install the [ennumerate-headings plugin](https://github.com/timvink/mkdocs-enumerate-headings-plugin) pip3 install mkdocs-enumerate-headings-plugin ## Build command * Navigate to the ug_v3.3 folder cd [ug_v3.3 folder] * Execute the command below. The results are stored in the site folder mkdocs build * To visualise the results in a navigator, we can use the command mkdocs serve Then open a navigator and go to: