\section{Cheddar ADL Concepts} \label{Cheddar_adl_concept} Cheddar ADL defines basic entities which model usual concepts of the real-time scheduling theory. We have two kinds of entities: \begin{enumerate} \item Components: There are the reusable units. A component has a type, an unique name and attributes. It is a part of a system to analyse. \item Bindings: the bindings define relationships between components. They Model a resource allocation between $n$ providers and $m$ consumers, where $n$ and $m$ are integers. \end{enumerate} These basic entities can be grouped into 3 types: \begin{enumerate} \item Hardware components: They model resources provided by the execution environment. We have \processor, \cache, \core, \memory and \network. \item Software components: They model the design of the software. They are deployed onto hardware components. In Cheddar, we have \task, \resource, \buffer, \dependencys and \messages. \item Bindings: Their role is to enforce either temporal or spatial isolation. They allow to model the relationships between components. \end{enumerate} In order to finely describe the Cheddar ADL, we clarify in sections \ref{semantic_of_components} and \ref{notion_of_deployements} the semantic of basic entities.