@article{audsley1990real, title={{Real-time system scheduling}}, author={Audsley, N. and Burns, A.}, journal={Computer Science Department Technical Report No. YCS134, York University, UK}, year={1990}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {\'etat de l'art tr\`es d\'etaill\'e sur l'ordonnanceent temps r\'eel. Parcours tout les spectre des difficult\'es du domaine : criticalit\'e, optimisation, v\'erification, types d'ordonnanceurs, monoproc, multiproc, diff\'erents types de t\^aches, etc. Tr\`es bon review => se r\'ef\'erer aux notes du fichier schd.txt.}, annote = {Semble \^etre un r\'ef\'erence, tr\`es utile pour une vision globale du domaine et la recherche d'articles pertinents pour appronfondir des notions et comprendre des m\'ecanismes importants. Source de multiples articles de la biblio. Peut-\^etre utile pour la r\'edaction d'une intro future (expose bien le contexte).}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{dissaux2008stood, title = {Stood and Cheddar : AADL as a Pivot Language for Analysing Performances of Real Time Architectures}, author = {P. Dissaux and F. Singhoff}, year = {2008}, month={jan}, publisher = {Proceedings of the European Real Time System conference. Toulouse, France} } @article{singhoff2007aadl, title={{AADL modeling and analysis of hierarchical schedulers}}, author={Singhoff, F. and Plantec, A.}, journal={ACM SIGAda Ada Letters}, volume={27}, number={3}, pages={50}, year={2007}, publisher={ACM}, abstract = {R\'epond \`a la probl\'ematique de conception et d'analyse de schedulers \`a travers 2 challenges : 1) h\'et\'erog\'en\'eit\'e des m\'ecanismes de communication et des relations de synchronisation ; combinaison de sch\'edulers h\'et\'erog\`enes 2) difficult\'e de construction des tests de faisabilit\'e => n\'ecessit\'e d'avoir un outil capable d'effectuer des simulations lourdes en termes de calcul => outils peut consomateur de m\'emoire et rapide (CHEDDAR). L'article propose donc une extension de Cheddar pour pouvoir concevoir des sched hierarchiques par le biais d'AADL (ada-like et automates temporis\'es). Expose \'egalement la g\'en\'eraion des sched grace a Cheddar.}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{stankovic1995implications, title={{Implications of classical scheduling results for real-time systems}}, author={Stankovic, J.A. and Spuri, M. and Di Natale, M. and Buttazzo, G.C.}, year={1995}, abstract = {Propose des r\'esultats et th\'eor\`emes suivant : Jackson's rule, Smith's rule, Mac Nauthon's theorem, Liu & Layland's rate monotonic rule, Mok's theorems, et Richard' anomalies dansle but de permettre au lecteur de borner les connaissances actuelles vis \`a vis de probl\'ematiques mono et multi-processeur, probl\`emes NP-complets pr le RT, types d'analyses utilis\'es, comment les m\'etriques utilis\'ees lors des \'etudes th\'eoriques influent sur l'utilit\'e des r\'esultats, quels r\'esultats existent pour l'ordonnancement statique et dynamique. }, annote = {TODO => reprendre les regles 1 par 1 et faire un fichier qui les r\'esume.}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{tindell1994holistic, title={{Holistic schedulability analysis for distributed hard real-time systems}}, author={Tindell, K. and Clark, J.}, journal={Microprocessing and microprogramming}, volume={40}, number={2-3}, pages={117--134}, year={1994}, publisher={Elsevier}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{hugues2009developpement, title={{D{\'e}veloppement de syst{\`e}mes {\`a} l’aide d’AADL-Ocarina/Cheddar}}, author={Hugues, J. and Singhoff, F.}, year={2009}, abstract = {Pr\'esentation d'AADL, comprenant les diff\'erentes entit\'es et fonctionnalit\'es du langage et le replaçant dans le contexte du d\'eveloppement. Comporte la description des outils de v\'erification (cheddar) et de g\'en\'eration de code (ocarina). Comporte une \'etude de cas.}, annote = {Pr\'esente bien la chaine m\'et\'e-mod\'elisation -> v\'erification -> g\'en\'eration de code }, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{dissaux2010aadl, title={{AADL Design-Patterns and Tools for Modelling and Performance Analysis of Real-Time systems}}, author={Dissaux, P. and Legrand, J. and Plantec, A. and Kerboeuf, M. and Singhoff, F.}, year={2010}, abstract = {Pr\'esente de façon tout \`a fait explicite le point de d\'epart de mon travail de th\`ese : les 4 design patterns et les propri\'et\'es communes les d\'ecrivant : Name, Synoptic(description g\'en\'erale), contexte d'utilisation, mots cl\'es, pr\'edecesseurs, solution (description AADL), successors, r\'ef\'erences (autres patterns ou informations pouvant \^etre utiles dans le m\^eme contexte). D\'ecrit galement l'architecture Express correspondante avec code en illustration.}, annote = {Peut etre tr\`es utile dans une intro pour bien d\'efinir la probl\`ematique.}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @conference{plantec2010enforcing, title={{Enforcing applicability of real-time scheduling theory feasibility tests with the use of design-patterns}}, author={Plantec, A. and Singhoff, F. and Dissaux, P. and Legrand, J.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification, and validation-Volume Part I}, pages={4--17}, isbn={3642165575}, year={2010}, organization={Springer-Verlag} } %abstract = {d\'efinition tr\`es claire de l'approche. De nouveau une pr\'esentation des 4 design patterns (succinte) ainsi que du principe de fonctionnement de l'application que je devrai d\'evelopper. Dinstinction entre les contraintes architecturales et les contraintes de propri\'et\'es. Rappel des 7 r\`egles retenues pour la d\'efinition du pattern SDF. Description de l'outils de d\'ecision qui devra d\'eterminer le design pattern employ\'e et appliquer les tests de faisabilit\'e ad\'equats. Pr\'ecision que dans le cas du prototype, l'architecture AADL du syst\`eme \`a tester devra \^etre cod\'e en XML conforme au MM Cheddar afin d'\^etre analys\'e. Cheddar peut etre utilis\'e pour r\'ealiser cet encodage. Pr\'esentation des trois couches du framework de mod\'elisation des design-patterns (couche ressources d'architecture, de ressources de de tests de faisabilit\'e, et de tests de faisabilit\'e par design pattern).}, %annote = {TODO}, %readingStatus = {integrale} @article{george1996preemptive, title={{Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Real-Time Uni-Processor Scheduling}}, author={George, L. and others}, year={1996}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{singhoff2009investigating, title={{Investigating the usability of real-time scheduling theory with the Cheddar project}}, author={Singhoff, F. and Plantec, A. and Dissaux, P. and Legrand, J.}, journal={Real-Time Systems}, volume={43}, number={3}, pages={259--295}, year={2009}, publisher={Springer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{donald1991non, title={{On Non-Preemptive Scheduling of Periodic and Sporadic Tasks}}, author={Donald, K.J. and Stanat, D.F.}, year={1991}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @PHDTHESIS{rivierre1998ordonnancement, author = {Nicolas Rivierre}, title = {Ordonnancement temps r\'eel centralis\'e, les cas pr\'eemptifs et non-pr\'eemptifs}, school = {University of Versailles - St Quentin}, year = {1998}, type = {{PhD} Dissertation}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{spuri1996analysis, title={{Analysis of deadline scheduled real-time systems}}, author={Spuri, M.}, journal={Rapport De Recherche-Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et En Automatique}, year={1996}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @PHDthesis{grolleau2009modelisation, title={{Mod\'elisataion pr\'ecise des applications temps r\'eel en vue de leur validation temporelle}}, author={Grolleau, E. }, year={2009}, school={ENSMA, Ecole Nationale Sup\'erieure de M\'ecanique et d'A\'erotechnique}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @techreport{feng2008scalable, title={Scalable models using model transformation}, author={Feng, T.H.}, year={2008}, institution={DTIC Document} } @article{fernandez2009modelling, title={{Modelling and Evaluating Real-Time Software Architectures}}, author={Fern{\'a}ndez S{\'a}nchez, J. and M{\'a}rmol Acitores, G.}, journal={Reliable Software Technologies--Ada-Europe 2009}, pages={164--176}, year={2009}, publisher={Springer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{burchard1995assigning, title={{Assigning real-time tasks to homogeneous multiprocessor systems}}, author={Burchard, A. and Liebeherr, J. and Oh, Y. and Son, S.H.}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Computers}, volume={44}, number={12}, pages={1429--1442}, year={1995}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @conference{forget2010scheduling, title={{Scheduling Dependent Periodic Tasks Without Synchronization Mechanisms}}, author={Forget, J. and Boniol, F. and Grolleau, E. and Lesens, D. and Pagetti, C.}, booktitle={2010 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium}, pages={301--310}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{goossens2001limitation, title={{Limitation of the hyper-period in real-time periodic task set generation}}, author={Goossens, J. and MaCq, C.}, journal={Proc. of Real-Time Systems}, pages={133--148}, year={2001}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{pellizzoni2005feasibility, title={{Feasibility analysis of real-time periodic tasks with offsets}}, author={Pellizzoni, R. and Lipari, G.}, journal={Real-Time Systems}, volume={30}, number={1}, pages={105--128}, year={2005}, publisher={Springer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @conference{baker2006necessary, title={{A necessary and sometimes sufficient condition for the feasibility of sets of sporadic hard-deadline tasks}}, author={Baker, T.P. and Cirinei, M.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2006. RTSS'06. 27th IEEE International}, pages={178--190}, year={2006}, organization={IEEE}, abstract = {d\'ecrit un test d'"infaisabilit\'e" pour l'ordonnancement d'un ensemblte de taches sporadiques (mono et multi-processeur)}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {abstract + intro + ccl} } @article{leung1982complexity, title={{On the complexity of fixed-priority scheduling of periodic, real-time tasks* 1}}, author={Leung, J.Y.T. and Whitehead, J.}, journal={Performance Evaluation}, volume={2}, number={4}, pages={237--250}, year={1982}, publisher={Elsevier}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO => pdf \`a r\'ecuperer, recherche avec Frack : pas trouvé => lire rivierre1998ordonnancement instead}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @conference{burns1998ravenscar, title={{The Ravenscar tasking profile for high integrity real-time programs}}, author={Burns, A. and Dobbing, B. and Romanski, G.}, booktitle={Reliable Software Technologies—Ada-Europe}, pages={263--275}, year={1998}, organization={Springer}, abstract = {Description tr\`es pr\'ecise du DP Ravenscar. Propose la liste des propri\'et\'es du mod\`ele et des solutions d'impl\'ementation.}, annote = {\`a relire}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{dobbing1999ravenscar, title={{The Ravenscar Tasking Profile-Experience Report}}, author={Dobbing, B. and Romanski, G.}, journal={Ada Letters}, volume={19}, pages={28--32}, issn={1094-3641}, year={1999}, publisher={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {integrale} } @article{singhoff2005scheduling, title={{Scheduling and memory requirements analysis with AADL}}, author={Singhoff, F. and Legrand, J. and Nana, L. and Marc{\'e}, L.}, journal={ACM SIGAda Ada Letters}, volume={25}, number={4}, pages={1--10}, year={2005}, publisher={ACM}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @phdthesis{Legrand2004contribution, title={{Contribution \`a l'ordonnancement des syst\`emes temps r\'eel comprenant des tampons}}, author={Legrand, J. }, year={2004}, school={Universit\'e de Bretagne Occidentale}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO pdf \`a r\'ecuperer => mail Franck+Alain}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{sha1990priority, title={{Priority inheritance protocols: An approach to real-time synchronization}}, author={Sha, L. and Rajkumar, R. and Lehoczky, J.P.}, journal={IEEE Transactions on computers}, pages={1175--1185}, year={1990}, publisher={Published by the IEEE Computer Society}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @article{liu1973scheduling, title={{Scheduling algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard-real-time environment}}, author={Liu, CL and Layland, J.W.}, journal={Journal of the ACM (JACM)}, volume={20}, number={1}, pages={46--61}, year={1973}, publisher={ACM}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO => aller chercher le PDF}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @conference{monperrus2008model, title={{Model-driven Engineering Metrics for Real Time Systems}}, author={Monperrus, M. and J{\'e}z{\'e}quel, JM and Champeau, J. and Hoeltzener, B.}, booktitle={PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON EMBEDDED REAL TIME SOFTWARE (ERTS'2008)}, year={2008}, organization={Citeseer}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {TODO} } @conference{nolin, title={{Fast and tight response-times for tasks with offsets}}, author={Maki-Turja, J. and Nolin, M.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems, 2005.(ECRTS 2005). Proceedings. 17th Euromicro Conference on}, pages={127--136}, isbn={0769524001}, issn={1068-3070}, year={2005}, organization={IEEE} } @book{tindell1992using, title={{Using offset information to analyse static priority pre-emptively scheduled task sets}}, author={Tindell, K.}, year={1992}, publisher={University of York, Dept. of Computer Science} } @conference{palencia2002schedulability, title={{Schedulability analysis for tasks with static and dynamic offsets}}, author={Palencia, JC and Harbour, G. and others}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998. Proceedings., The 19th IEEE}, pages={26--37}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE} } @article{baker2005analysis, title={{An analysis of EDF schedulability on a multiprocessor}}, author={Baker, T.P.}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems}, pages={760--768}, issn={1045-9219}, year={2005}, publisher={Published by the IEEE Computer Society} } @article{burchard2002new, title={{New strategies for assigning real-time tasks to multiprocessor systems}}, author={Burchard, A. and Liebeherr, J. and Oh, Y. and Son, S.H.}, journal={Computers, IEEE Transactions on}, volume={44}, number={12}, pages={1429--1442}, issn={0018-9340}, year={2002}, publisher={IEEE} } @conference{andersson2001static, title={{Static-priority scheduling on multiprocessors}}, author={Andersson, B. and Baruah, S. and Jonsson, J.}, booktitle={rtss}, pages={193}, year={2001}, organization={Published by the IEEE Computer Society} } @phdthesis{Malo2010contribution, title={{Contribution \`a l'analyse d'ordonnançabilit\'e des applications temps-r\'eel multi-processeurs}}, author={Malo, S. }, year={2010}, school={Ecole Nationale Sup\'erieure de M\'ecanique et d'A\'erotechnique}, abstract = {TODO}, annote = {TODO}, readingStatus = {En cours ... déjà récupéré quelques articles sortis de l'état de l'art} } @article{leung80, title={{On the complexity of fixed-priority scheduling of periodic, real-time tasks* 1}}, author={Leung, J.Y.T. and Whitehead, J.}, journal={Performance Evaluation}, volume={2}, number={4}, pages={237--250}, issn={0166-5316}, year={1982}, publisher={Elsevier} } @conference{favre2004towards, title={{Towards a basic theory to model model driven engineering}}, author={Favre, J.M.}, organization={Citeseer} } @conference{henzinger2002symbolic, title={{Symbolic model checking for real-time systems}}, author={Henzinger, T.A. and Nicollin, X. and Sifakis, J. and Yovine, S.}, booktitle={Logic in Computer Science, 1992. LICS'92., Proceedings of the Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on}, pages={394--406}, isbn={0818627352}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE} } @article{pavlova2007several, title={{Several Outlines of Graph Theory in Framework of MDA}}, author={Pavlova, N.}, journal={Advances in information systems development: new methods and practice for the networked society}, pages={25}, isbn={0387708014}, year={2007}, publisher={Springer-Verlag New York Inc} } @conference{bozga1998kronos, title={{Kronos: A model-checking tool for real-time systems}}, author={Bozga, M. and Daws, C. and Maler, O. and Olivero, A. and Tripakis, S. and Yovine, S.}, booktitle={Computer Aided Verification}, pages={546--550}, year={1998}, organization={Springer} } @article{agrawal2005design, title={{The design of a simple language for graph transformations}}, author={Agrawal, A. and Karsai, G. and Kalmar, Z. and Neema, S. and Shi, F. and Vizhanyo, A.}, journal={Journal in Software and System Modeling}, year={2005} } @conference{alur2002model, title={{Model-checking for real-time systems}}, author={Alur, R. and Courcoubetis, C. and Dill, D.}, booktitle={Logic in Computer Science, 1990. LICS'90, Proceedings., Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on e}, pages={414--425}, isbn={0818620730}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE} } @article{2005gerbeIDM, title={{Gestion de modeles: definitions, besoins et revue de litterature}}, author={Thi-Lan-anh, D. and Gerbe, O. and Houari, S.} } @article{combemale2008ingenierie, title={{Ing{\'e}nierie Dirig{\'e}e par les Mod{\`e}les (IDM)--{\'E}tat de l'art}}, author={Combemale, B.}, year={2008} } @unpublished{settheory, title={{An introduction to set theory}}, author={Weiss, A. R.}, year={2008} } @unpublished{graphtheory, title={{Lecture Notes on Graph Theory}}, author={Harju, T.}, year={1994-2011}, school={Departement of Mathematics, University of Turku} } @unpublished{MCGraphTheory, title={{An introduction to Graph Theory}}, author={Dickson, A.}, year={2006} } @article{boronat2009rewriting, title={{Rewriting logic semantics and verification of model transformations}}, author={Boronat, A. and Heckel, R. and Meseguer, J.}, journal={Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering}, pages={18--33}, year={2009}, publisher={Springer} } @conference{gilles2010expressing, title={{Expressing and enforcing user-defined constraints of AADL models}}, author={Gilles, O. and Hugues, J.}, booktitle={2010 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems}, pages={337--342}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE} } @article{bidirectional, title={{Bidirectional model transformations in QVT: Semantic issues and open questions}}, author={Stevens, P.}, journal={Software and Systems Modeling}, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={7--20}, issn={1619-1366}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer} } @techreport{aerospace2004architecture, author = "SAE", title = "{Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) AS 5506}", year = 2004, month= nov, institution = "The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space, Aerospace Information Report, Version 1.0", } @article{balsamo2004model, title={{Model-Based Performance Prediction in Software Development: A Survey}}, author={Balsamo, S. and Di Marco, A. and Inverardi, P. and Simeoni, M.}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING}, volume={30}, number={5}, pages={295}, year={2004} } @conference{mast2001, title={{MAST: Modeling and analysis suite for real time applications}}, author={Harbour, G. and Garcia, G. and Gutierrez, P. and Moyano, D. and others}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems, 13th Euromicro Conference on, 2001.}, pages={125--134}, isbn={0769512216}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE} } @article{plantec2007processus, title={{Un processus d'ingenierie de Cheddar pour la simulation de systemes temps reel a grande echelle}}, author={Plantec, A. and Singhoff, F.}, journal={GENIE LOGICIEL-TOULOUSE THEN PARIS-}, volume={83}, pages={26}, issn={0295-6322}, year={2007} } @article{panunzio2007metamodel, title={{A metamodel-driven process featuring advanced model-based timing analysis}}, author={Panunzio, M. and Vardanega, T.}, journal={Reliable Software Technologies--Ada Europe 2007}, pages={128--141}, year={2007}, publisher={Springer} } @article{joseph1986finding, title={{Finding response times in a real-time system}}, author={Joseph, M. and Pandya, P.}, journal={The Computer Journal}, volume={29}, number={5}, pages={390}, issn={0010-4620}, year={1986}, publisher={Br Computer Soc} } @MISC{Platypus, title = {{Platypus Technical Summary and download}}, key = {Platypus}, howpublished = {{http://cassoulet.univ-brest.fr/mme/}}, year=2007 } @inproceedings{rogovchenko2010composition, title={Composition and compositionality in a component model for autonomous robots}, author={Rogovchenko, O. and Malenfant, J.}, booktitle={Software Composition}, pages={34--49}, year={2010}, organization={Springer} } @inproceedings{ke2006generative, title={Generative Programming for a Component-based Framework of Distributed Embedded Systems}, author={Ke, X. and Sierszecki, K.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM’06)}, pages={113--122}, year={2006}, organization={Citeseer} } @inproceedings{richter2002model, title={Model composition for scheduling analysis in platform design}, author={Richter, K. and Ziegenbein, D. and Jersak, M. and Ernst, R.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 39th annual Design Automation Conference}, pages={287--292}, year={2002}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{vedula2000novel, title={A novel methodology for hierarchical test generation using functional constraint composition}, author={Vedula, V.M. and Abraham, J.A.}, booktitle={High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE International}, pages={9--14}, year={2000}, organization={IEEE} } @article{xu2002compositional, title={Compositional schedulability analysis of real-time systems using time Petri nets}, author={Xu, D. and He, X. and Deng, Y.}, journal={Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on}, volume={28}, number={10}, pages={984--996}, year={2002}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{kelsen2010modular, title={A modular model composition technique}, author={Kelsen, P. and Ma, Q.}, journal={Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering}, pages={173--187}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer} } @incollection {pavlova2007, author = {Pavlova, Natalja}, affiliation = {Riga Technical University Latvia}, title = {Several Outlines of Graph Theory in Framework of MDA}, booktitle = {Advances in Information Systems Development}, editor = {Wojtkowski, Wita and Wojtkowski, W. Gregory and Zupancic, Jože and Magyar, Gabor and Knapp, Gabor}, publisher = {Springer US}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {25-36}, % note = {10.1007/978-0-387-70802-7_3}, year = {2007} } @techreport{feiler2004embedded, title={Embedded system architecture analysis using SAE AADL}, author={Feiler, P.H.}, year={2004}, institution={DTIC Document} } @incollection {feiler2005, author = {Feiler, Peter and Gluch, David and Hudak, John and Lewis, Bruce}, affiliation = {Embry-Riddle University Software Engineering Institute (SEI) USA USA}, title = {Pattern-Based Analysis of an Embedded Real-Time System Architecture}, booktitle = {Architecture Description Languages}, series = {IFIP International Federation for Information Processing}, editor = {Dissaux, Pierre and Filali-Amine, Mamoun and Michel, Pierre and Vernadat, François}, publisher = {Springer Boston}, isbn = {978-0-387-24589-8}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {51-65}, volume = {176}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/0-387-24590-1_4}, % note = {10.1007/0-387-24590-1_4}, year = {2005} } @INPROCEEDINGS{gui2008, author={Shenglin Gui and Lei Luo and Yun Li and Lijie Wang}, booktitle={Embedded Software and Systems, 2008. ICESS '08. International Conference on}, title={Formal Schedulability Analysis and Simulation for AADL}, year={2008}, month={july}, volume={}, number={}, pages={429 -435}, keywords={AADL simulation;Furness tool;LLC;TIMES tool;architecture analysis and design language;formal real-time software schedulability analysis;linear hybrid automata;model-driven architecture;modeling language standard;safety-critical system;scheduling execution trace;software component semantics abstraction;automata theory;digital simulation;object-oriented programming;program diagnostics;programming language semantics;real-time systems;safety-critical software;scheduling;software architecture;specification languages;}, doi={10.1109/ICESS.2008.63}, ISSN={} } @InProceedings{papabench2006, author = {Fadia Nemer and Hugues Cass{\'e} and Pascal Sainrat and Jean-Paul Bahsoun and Marianne De Michiel}, title = {PapaBench: a Free Real-Time Benchmark}, booktitle = {6th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis}, year = {2006}, editor = {Frank Mueller}, publisher = {Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum f{"u}r Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2006/678}, annote = {Keywords: Real-Time Benchmark, Complete Application, Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) Computation, Modeling}, ISBN = {978-3-939897-03-3} } @INPROCEEDINGS{sokolsky2006, author={Sokolsky, O. and Lee, I. and Clarke, D.}, booktitle={Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th International}, title={Schedulability analysis of AADL models}, year={2006}, month={april}, volume={}, number={}, pages={8 pp.}, keywords={AADL models;architectural models;formal method;modeling language;real-time process algebra;schedulability analysis;semantics-preserving translation;thread components;process algebra;scheduling;specification languages;}, doi={10.1109/IPDPS.2006.1639421}, ISSN={} } @incollection {vergnaud2005, author = {Vergnaud, Thomas and Pautet, Laurent and Kordon, Fabrice}, affiliation = {GET-Télécom Paris – LTCI-UMR 5141 CNRS, 46, rue Barrault, F-75634 Paris Cedex 13, France}, title = {Using the AADL to Describe Distributed Applications from Middleware to Software Components}, booktitle = {Reliable Software Technology – Ada-Europe 2005}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Vardanega, Tullio and Wellings, Andy}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-26286-2}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {509-523}, volume = {3555}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11499909_6}, % note = {10.1007/11499909_6}, year = {2005} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lehoczky1996, author={Lehoczky, J.P.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1996., 17th IEEE}, title={Real-time queueing theory}, year={1996}, month={dec}, volume={}, number={}, pages={186 -195}, keywords={ATM networks;customer lead time profile process;customer timing requirements;dynamic behavior;heavy traffic case;infinite dimensionality;lead time profile process;multimedia systems;queueing models;real time queueing theory;real time system predictability;real time system scheduling;stochastic behavior;queueing theory;real-time systems;scheduling;}, doi={10.1109/REAL.1996.563715}, ISSN={1052-8725} } @inproceedings{dissaux2003hood, title={HOOD and Aadl}, author={Dissaux, P.}, booktitle={DASIA 2003}, volume={532}, pages={85}, year={2003} } @article {hrthoodburns, author = {Burns, A. and Wellings, A. 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RTAS 2005. 11th IEEE}, pages={160--169}, year={2005}, organization={IEEE} } @techreport{legrand2004performance, title={Performance analysis of buffers shared by independent periodic tasks}, author={Legrand, J. and Singhoff, F. and Nana, L. and Marc{\'e}, L.}, year={2004}, institution={LISYC Technical report number legrand-02-2004} } @inproceedings{baruah1990preemptively, title={Preemptively scheduling hard-real-time sporadic tasks on one processor}, author={Baruah, S.K. and Mok, A.K. and Rosier, L.E.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1990. Proceedings., 11th}, pages={182--190}, year={1990}, organization={IEEE} } @article{baruah90a, author = "S.K. Baruah and R. R. Howell and L. E. 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The 20th IEEE}, title={Exploiting precedence relations in the schedulability analysis of distributed real-time systems}, year={1999}, month={}, volume={}, number={}, pages={328 -339} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Staschulat2005, author={Staschulat, J. and Schliecker, S. and Ernst, R.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems, 2005. (ECRTS 2005). Proceedings. 17th Euromicro Conference on}, title={Scheduling analysis of real-time systems with precise modeling of cache related preemption delay}, year={2005}, month={july}, volume={}, number={}, pages={ 41 - 48} } @article{BusquetsMataix2000, title = "Techniques to increase the schedulable utilization of cache-based preemptive real-time systems", journal = "Journal of Systems Architecture", volume = "46", number = "4", pages = "357 - 378", year = "2000", note = "", issn = "1383-7621", doi = "10.1016/S1383-7621(99)00011-9", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383762199000119", author = "José V. Busquets-Mataix and Daniel Gil and Pedro Gil and Andy Wellings" } @INPROCEEDINGS{anssi2011autosar, author={Anssi, S. and Tucci-Piergiovanni, S. and Kuntz, S. and Gerard, S. and Terrier, F.}, booktitle={Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on}, title={Enabling Scheduling Analysis for AUTOSAR Systems}, year={2011}, month={march}, volume={}, number={}, pages={152 -159}, keywords={AUTOSAR system;automotive development;automotive open system architecture;open standardized software architecture;real time system;scheduling analysis;time critical system;automotive engineering;open systems;real-time systems;scheduling;software architecture;}, doi={10.1109/ISORC.2011.28}, ISSN={1555-0885}} @incollection{anssi10, author = {Anssi, Saoussen and Gérard, Sébastien and Albinet, Arnaud and Terrier, François}, affiliation = {Continental Automotive France SAS, PowerTrain E IPP, 1 Avenue Paul Ourliac, BP 83649, 31036 France}, title = {Requirements and Solutions for Timing Analysis of Automotive Systems}, booktitle = {System Analysis and Modeling: About Models}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Kraemer, Frank and Herrmann, Peter}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-21651-0}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {209-220}, volume = {6598}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21652-7_13}, note = {10.1007/978-3-642-21652-7_13}, year = {2011} } @INPROCEEDINGS{palencia1997, author={Palencia Gutierrez, J.C. and Gutierrez Garcia, J.J. and Gonzalez Harbour, M.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems, 1997. Proceedings., Ninth Euromicro Workshop on}, title={On the schedulability analysis for distributed hard real-time systems}, year={1997}, month={jun}, volume={}, number={}, pages={136 -143}, keywords={distributed hard real time systems;elementary actions;local deadlines;local response times;rate monotonic analysis techniques;schedulability analysis;worst case response times;concurrency control;distributed algorithms;processor scheduling;real-time systems;}, doi={10.1109/EMWRTS.1997.613774}, ISSN={}} @ARTICLE{monroe1997, author={Monroe, R.T. and Kompanek, A. and Melton, R. and Garlan, D.}, journal={Software, IEEE}, title={Architectural styles, design patterns, and objects}, year={1997}, month={jan/feb}, volume={14}, number={1}, pages={43 -52}, keywords={architectural styles;design patterns;object-oriented design;software design;software reuse;system design knowledge;object-oriented methods;software reusability;}, doi={10.1109/52.566427}, ISSN={0740-7459}} @INPROCEEDINGS{cofer2009, author={Al-Nayeem, A. and Mu Sun and Xiaokang Qiu and Lui Sha and Miller, S.P. and Cofer, D.D.}, booktitle={Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2009, RTSS 2009. 30th IEEE}, title={A Formal Architecture Pattern for Real-Time Distributed Systems}, year={2009}, month={dec.}, volume={}, number={}, pages={161 -170}, keywords={AADL;EMF metamodel API;OSATE;PALS protocol;dual-redundant system;formal architecture pattern;pattern solutions;real-time distributed systems;synchronous computation semantics;distributed processing;formal verification;protocols;}, doi={10.1109/RTSS.2009.50}, ISSN={1052-8725}} @incollection {jezequel2000, author = {Sunyé, Gerson and Le Guennec, Alain and Jézéquel, Jean-Marc}, affiliation = {IRISA/CNRS Campus de Beaulieu F-35042 Rennes France}, title = {Design Patterns Application in UML}, booktitle = {ECOOP 2000 — Object-Oriented Programming}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Bertino, Elisa}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-67660-7}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {44-62}, volume = {1850}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45102-1_3}, note = {10.1007/3-540-45102-1_3}, year = {2000} } @INPROCEEDINGS{wang2005, author={Wei Wang and Vassilios Tzerpos}, booktitle={Reverse Engineering, 12th Working Conference on}, title={Design pattern detection in Eiffel systems}, year={2005}, month={nov.}, volume={}, number={}, pages={ 10 pp.}, keywords={ Design Pattern Verification toolkit; Eiffel system; reverse engineering tool; software design pattern detection; software system design; object-oriented programming; reverse engineering;}, doi={10.1109/WCRE.2005.14}, ISSN={1095-1350}} @ARTICLE{tsantalis2006, author={Tsantalis, N. and Chatzigeorgiou, A. and Stephanides, G. and Halkidis, S.T.}, journal={Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Design Pattern Detection Using Similarity Scoring}, year={2006}, month={nov. }, volume={32}, number={11}, pages={896 -909}, keywords={design pattern detection;graph algorithms;graph vertices;open-source project;reengineering process;graph theory;object-oriented methods;object-oriented programming;systems re-engineering;}, doi={10.1109/TSE.2006.112}, ISSN={0098-5589}} @inproceedings{dong2008, author = {Dong, Jing and Sun, Yongtao and Zhao, Yajing}, title = {Design pattern detection by template matching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing}, series = {SAC '08}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-59593-753-7}, location = {Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil}, pages = {765--769}, numpages = {5}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1363686.1363864}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1363686.1363864}, acmid = {1363864}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {cross correlation, design pattern, matrix, template matching} } @INPROCEEDINGS{heuzeroth2003, author={Heuzeroth, D. and Mandel, S. and Lowe, W.}, booktitle={Automated Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings. 18th IEEE International Conference on}, title={Generating design pattern detectors from pattern specifications}, year={2003}, month={oct.}, volume={}, number={}, pages={ 245 - 248}, keywords={ Java; Prolog; abstract syntax trees; composite patterns; decorator patterns; design pattern detector generation; design pattern specifications; dynamic analysis; execution monitoring; legacy code; observer patterns; state sequences; static analysis; Java; PROLOG; formal specification; object-oriented programming; program diagnostics; software architecture; specification languages;}, doi={10.1109/ASE.2003.1240313}, ISSN={1527-1366}} @INPROCEEDINGS{arcelli2005, author={Arcelli, F. and Masiero, S. and Raibulet, C. and Tisato, F.}, booktitle={Software Engineering Conference, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 Australian}, title={A comparison of reverse engineering tools based on design pattern decomposition}, year={2005}, month={march-1 april}, volume={}, number={}, pages={ 262 - 269}, keywords={ FUJABA tool; SPQR tool; composite design pattern; design pattern decomposition; formal specification; reverse engineering tool; formal specification; object-oriented methods; object-oriented programming; reverse engineering; software tools;}, doi={10.1109/ASWEC.2005.5}, ISSN={1530-0803},} @article{arcelli2, title={DESIGN PATTERN RECOGNITION}, author={Arcelli, F. and Raibulet, C. and Tisato, F.} } @incollection {jezequel2001, author = {Sunyé, Gerson and Pollet, Damien and Le Traon, Yves and Jézéquel, Jean-Marc}, affiliation = {IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu F-35042 Rennes Cedex France}, title = {Refactoring UML Models}, booktitle = {«UML» 2001 — The Unified Modeling Language. Modeling Languages, Concepts, and Tools}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Gogolla, Martin and Kobryn, Cris}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-42667-7}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {134-148}, volume = {2185}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45441-1_11}, note = {10.1007/3-540-45441-1_11}, year = {2001} } @incollection {jezequel2000_2, author = {Le Guennec, Alain and Sunyé, Gerson and Jézéquel, Jean-Marc}, affiliation = {Campus de Beaulieu IRISA/CNRS F-35042 Rennes Cedex FRANCE}, title = {Precise Modeling of Design Patterns}, booktitle = {«UML» 2000 — The Unified Modeling Language}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Evans, Andy and Kent, Stuart and Selic, Bran}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-41133-8}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {482-496}, volume = {1939}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-40011-7_35}, note = {10.1007/3-540-40011-7_35}, year = {2000} } @article{hakjin2008design, title={A Design Pattern Detection Technique that Aids Reverse Engineering}, author={Hakjin Lee, H.L. and Hyunsang Youn, H.Y. and Eunseok Lee, E.L.}, journal={International Journal of Security and Its Applications (IJSIA)}, volume={2}, number={1}, pages={1--11}, year={2008}, publisher={ } } @inproceedings{maplesden2001, author = {Maplesden, David and Hosking, John and Grundy, John}, title = {A Visual Language for Design Pattern Modelling and Instantiation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC'01)}, series = {HCC '01}, year = {2001}, isbn = {0-7695-0474-4}, pages = {338--}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=795686.797727}, acmid = {797727}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lopez2006, author={Lopez, P. and Medina, J.L. and Drake, J.M.}, booktitle={Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2006. SEAA '06. 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on}, title={Real-Time Modelling of Distributed Component-Based Applications}, year={2006}, month={29 2006-sept. 1}, volume={}, number={}, pages={92 -99}, keywords={hardware module;instance-type model;modular modelling;parameterized class-type descriptor;real-time distributed component-based applications;real-time modelling;schedulability analysis;software components;software module;distributed processing;object-oriented programming;scheduling;software reusability;}, doi={10.1109/EUROMICRO.2006.52}, ISSN={1089-6503} } @article{riehle1996understanding, title={Understanding and using patterns in software development}, author={Riehle, D. and Z{\"u}llighoven, H.}, journal={Theory and Practice of Object Systems}, volume={2}, number={1}, pages={3--13}, year={1996}, publisher={John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.} } @inproceedings{gaudel2011, author = {Gaudel, Vincent and Singhoff, Frank and Plantec, Alain and Rubini, Stephane and Dissaux, Pierre and Legrand, Jerome}, title = {An Ada design pattern recognition tool for AADL performance analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 ACM annual international conference on Special interest group on the ada programming language}, series = {SIGAda '11}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-1-4503-1028-4}, location = {Denver, Colorado, USA}, pages = {61--68}, numpages = {8}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2070337.2070359}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2070337.2070359}, acmid = {2070359}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {aadl, ada framework, cheddar, design patterns, platypus, real-time schedulability analysis} } @InProceedings{spuri96a, title = "{Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Real-time Uni-processor Scheduling}", author = "L. George and N. Rivierre and M. Spuri", year = 1996, publisher = "INRIA Technical report number 2966" } @TECHREPORT{vestal98, author = {S. Vestal}, title = {{Meta-H User's Manual, Version 1.27}}, institution = {download at http://www.htc.honeywell.com/metah/uguide.pdf}, year = {1998} } @TECHREPORT{aerospace2009architecture, author = {SAE}, title = {{Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) AS-5506A}}, institution = {The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space, Aerospace Information Report, Version 2.0}, year = {2009}, month = {January} } @book{arinc97, author = "Arinc", title= "{Avionics Application Software Standard Interface}", year = 1997, month=jan, publisher="The Arinc Committee" } @book{alexander1979, title={The timeless way of building}, author={Alexander, C.}, volume={1}, year={1979}, publisher={Oxford University Press, USA} } @book{douglass, author = {Douglass, Bruce Powell}, title = {Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems}, year = {2002}, isbn = {0201699567}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.}, address = {Boston, MA, USA} } @article{gaudel11, author = {Gaudel, Vincent and Singhoff, Frank and Plantec, Alain and Rubini, Stephane and Dissaux, Pierre and Legrand, Jerome}, title = {An {Ada} design pattern recognition tool for {AADL} performance analysis}, journal = {Ada Letters}, issue_date = {December 2011}, volume = {31}, number = {3}, month = "November", year = {2011}, pages = {61--68}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @article{spiby1992iso, title={{ISO} 10303 Industrial Automation Systems--Product Data Representation and Exchange--Part 11: Description Methods: The EXPRESS Language Reference Manual}, author={Spiby, P.}, journal={ISO DIS}, pages={10303--11}, year={1992} } @techreport{Maes07, type = {Technical report}, title = {{MARTE} to Cheddar Transformation Using {ATL}}, url = {http://beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar/contribs/examples_of_use/thales_rt/MARTE2CheddarTransformationRules.pdf}, institution = {{THALES} Research \& Technologies}, author = {Maes, Eric and Vienne, Nicolas}, year = {2007} } @InProceedings{Li12, author = {S. Li and F. Singhoff and S. Rubini and M. Bourdell\`{e}s}, title = {Applicability of real-time schedulability analysis on a software radio protocol}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on High integrity language technology}, pages = {81--94}, year = {2012}, address = {New York, USA}, month = {December} } @article{Schmidt06_ModelDrivenEngineering, author = {Douglas C. Schmidt}, title = {Model-Driven Engineering}, journal = {IEEE Computer}, volume = {39}, number = {2}, month = {February}, year = {2006} } @inproceedings{PLANTEC:2006:HAL-00504325:1, hal_id = {hal-00504325}, title = {{PLATYPUS: A STEP-based Integration Framework}}, author = {Alain Plantec and Vincent Ribaud}, abstract = {{STEP is an ISO standard (ISO-10303) for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of product data. Parts of STEP standardize conceptual structures and usage of information in generic or specific domains. The standardization process of these constructs is an approach which can be applied to a data-based integration. Platypus is a STEP-based meta-environment. From the data integration point of view, the STEP technology is primarily used for management. A key point is the automatic generation of a SDAI (a functional interface for STEP-modelled database independently of any particular system and language). Then, at the end of the complex process of defining standardized conceptual structures for the applications to be integrated, the STEP framework will provide a seamless access to data of different applications. Moreover, Platypus can be used to the development of a specific meta-environment intended to solve specific problems related to the legacy and new systems to be integrated.}}, language = {Anglais}, affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Informatique des Syst\`emes Complexes - LISYC - Ecole Nationale d'Ing\'enieurs de Brest - Universit\'e de Bretagne Occidentale - Brest : EA3883 - ENSTA Bretagne - Institut Sup\'erieur des Sciences et Technologies de Brest (ISSTB)}, booktitle = {{14th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT-2006)}}, pages = {261-274}, audience = {internationale }, year = {2006}, month = {September}, pdf = {http://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-00504325/PDF/Platypus.pdf} } @InProceedings{rubini11, title = "Modeling and Verification of Memory Architectures with {AADL} and {REAL}", booktitle = "Sixth IEEE International Workshop on UML and AADL. In the proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems", author = "Stephane Rubini and Frank Singhoff and Jerome Hugues", address = "Las Vegas, USA", pages = "338--343", month = {April}, year = "2011", isbn = "978-0-7695-4381-9", doi = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICECCS.2011.40" } @article{Gaudel11, author = {Gaudel, Vincent and Singhoff, Frank and Plantec, Alain and Rubini, Stephane and Dissaux, Pierre and Legrand, Jerome}, title = {An {Ada} design pattern recognition tool for {AADL} performance analysis}, journal = {Ada Letters}, issue_date = {December 2011}, volume = {31}, number = {3}, month = "November", year = {2011}, pages = {61--68}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{Singhoff:2007:TUE:1769168.1769182, author = {Frank Singhoff and Alain Plantec}, title = {Towards user-level extensibility of an {Ada} library: an experiment with cheddar}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Reliable software technologies}, series = {Ada-Europe'07}, year = {2007}, isbn = {978-3-540-73229-7}, location = {Geneva, Switzerland}, pages = {180--191}, numpages = {12}, acmid = {1769182}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, keywords = {Ada code generating, Cheddar, meta-modeling, platypus} }