property set Cheddar_Properties is Dispatch_Seed_is_Predictable : aadlboolean applies to (thread, thread group); Context_Switch_Overhead : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Source_Text : inherit list of aadlstring applies to (process, processor, thread); Automaton_Name : inherit list of aadlstring applies to (process, processor, thread); Dispatch_Seed_Value : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Absolute_Time : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Criticality : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Bound_On_Data_Blocking_Time : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Jitter : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Fixed_Priority : aadlinteger 0..255 applies to (thread, thread group); POSIX_Scheduling_Policy : enumeration (SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, SCHED_OTHERS) applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_0 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_0 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_1 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_1 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_2 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_2 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_3 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_3 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_4 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_4 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Value_5 : aadlinteger applies to (thread, thread group); Dispatch_Offset_Time_5 : inherit Time applies to (thread, thread group); Task_Precedencies : list of aadlstring applies to (system); Scheduler_Quantum : inherit Time applies to (processor, process); Preemptive_Scheduler : aadlboolean applies to (processor, process); Scheduling_Protocol : list of Supported_Scheduling_Protocols applies to (processor, process); Data_Concurrency_State : aadlinteger applies to (data); Critical_Section : list of aadlstring applies to (process, thread, data); Source_Global_Heap_Size : Size applies to (process); Source_Global_Stack_Size : Size applies to (process); Source_Global_Text_Size : Size applies to (process); Source_Global_Data_Size : Size applies to (process); end Cheddar_Properties;