package commutateurs public thread tache_periodique properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; end tache_periodique; thread implementation tache_periodique.Impl end tache_periodique.Impl; process implementation Application.Impl subcomponents SUPER : thread tache_periodique.Impl; STAT : thread tache_periodique.Impl; PORT_1 : thread tache_periodique.Impl; PORT_2 : thread tache_periodique.Impl; PORT_3 : thread tache_periodique.Impl; PORT_4 : thread tache_periodique.Impl; properties Deadline => 7 ms applies to SUPER; Period => 7 ms applies to SUPER; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>100 applies to SUPER; Compute_Execution_Time => 2 ms .. 3 ms applies to SUPER; Deadline => 21 ms applies to STAT; Period => 21 ms applies to STAT; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>99 applies to STAT; Compute_Execution_Time => 6 ms .. 7 ms applies to STAT; Deadline => 50 ms applies to PORT_1; Period => 50 ms applies to PORT_1; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>98 applies to PORT_1; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 4 ms applies to PORT_1; Deadline => 50 ms applies to PORT_2; Period => 50 ms applies to PORT_2; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>97 applies to PORT_2; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 4 ms applies to PORT_2; Deadline => 50 ms applies to PORT_3; Period => 50 ms applies to PORT_3; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>96 applies to PORT_3; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 4 ms applies to PORT_3; Deadline => 50 ms applies to PORT_4; Period => 50 ms applies to PORT_4; Cheddar_Properties::Priority=>95 applies to PORT_4; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 4 ms applies to PORT_4; end Application.Impl; processor cpu properties Scheduling_Protocol=>POSIX_1003_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_FIRST_PROTOCOL; end cpu; system commutateur end commutateur; system implementation commutateur.Impl subcomponents process1 : process Application.Impl; cpu1 : processor cpu; properties Actual_Processor_Binding => (reference(cpu1)) applies to process1; end commutateur.Impl; end commutateurs;