package holistique public thread T1 properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 120 ms; Deadline => 120 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 3 ms; Priority => 1 ; Dispatch_Jitter => 0 ms; end T1; thread T2 properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 50 ms; Deadline => 50 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 2 ms; Priority => 2 ; Dispatch_Jitter => 4 ms; end T2; thread T3 properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 120 ms; Deadline => 120 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 7 ms; Priority => 2 ; Dispatch_Jitter => 8 ms; end T3; thread T4 properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 70 ms; Deadline => 70 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 1 ms; Priority => 1 ; Dispatch_Jitter => 0 ms; end T4; thread T5 properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; Period => 50 ms; Deadline => 50 ms; Compute_Execution_Time => 1 ms .. 3 ms; Priority => 3 ; Dispatch_Jitter => 0 ms; end T5; thread implementation T1.Impl end T1.Impl; thread implementation T2.Impl end T2.Impl; thread implementation T3.Impl end T3.Impl; thread implementation T4.Impl end T4.Impl; thread implementation T5.Impl end T5.Impl; --Tâche Période Capacité Priorité Processeur --T1 120 ms 3 ms 1 a --T2 50 ms 2 ms 2 a --T3 120 ms 7 ms 2 b --T4 70 ms 1 ms 1 b --T5 50ms 3 ms 3 b PROCESS my_process_a END my_process_a; PROCESS my_process_b END my_process_b; PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION my_process_a.impl SUBCOMPONENTS T1 : THREAD T1.impl; T2 : THREAD T2.impl; END my_process_a.impl; PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION my_process_b.impl SUBCOMPONENTS T3 : THREAD T3.impl; T4 : THREAD T4.impl; T5 : THREAD T5.impl; END my_process_b.impl; PROCESSOR cpu PROPERTIES Scheduling_Protocol=>HPF; END cpu; SYSTEM holistique END holistique; SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION holistique.impl SUBCOMPONENTS my_process_a : PROCESS my_process_a.impl; my_process_b : PROCESS my_process_b.impl; cpu_a : PROCESSOR cpu; cpu_b : PROCESSOR cpu; PROPERTIES Actual_Processor_Binding => ( reference(cpu_a) ) applies to my_process_a; Actual_Processor_Binding => ( reference(cpu_b) ) applies to my_process_b; END holistique.impl; end holistique;