------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2016, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR 6285 laboratory, Université de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev: 1249 $ -- $Date: 2014-08-28 07:02:15 +0200 (Fri, 28 Aug 2014) $ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with Version; use Version; with Translate.Francais_Labels; use Translate.Francais_Labels; with Translate.English_Labels; use Translate.English_Labels; package body Translate.AADL_Labels is procedure Initialize is begin if (Current_Language = English) then Lb_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component"); Lb_Compute_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port analysis with feasibility tests"); Lb_Draw_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port analysis from scheduling simulation"); Lb_Compute_And_Update (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Update thread components"); Lb_Compute_And_Update_One_Step (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Update thread components : one step "); Lb_Check_And_Update_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Check and update process component"); Lb_Check_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Check process component"); Lb_Update_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update thread components"); Lb_Update_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update process components"); Lb_Update_Resource (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update data components"); Lb_Update_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update event data ports"); Lb_Update_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update processor components"); Lb_Resource_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component not found"); Lb_Task_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component not found"); Lb_Address_Space_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Process component not found"); Lb_Buffer_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port not found"); Lb_Processor_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor component not found"); Lb_Define_Tasks_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a thread component before"); Lb_Define_Address_Spaces_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a process component before"); Lb_Define_Resources_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a data component before"); Lb_Define_Buffers_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define an event data port before"); Lb_Define_Processors_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a processor component before"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Tasks (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more thread components"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Address_Spaces (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more process components"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Resources (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more data components"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Buffers (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more event data ports"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Processors (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more processor components"); -- -- Processors widgets -- Lb_Scheduler (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling protocol"); Lb_Select_Processor_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a processor component first"); Lb_File_Name_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid file name with the selected scheduling protocol"); Lb_Quantum_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid quantum with selected scheduling protocol"); Lb_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor component "); Lb_Processor_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor component name"); Lb_Scheduler (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling protocol"); -- -- Address space widgets -- Lb_Address_Space_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Process component name"); Lb_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Process component"); Lb_Select_Address_Space_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a process component first"); Lb_Invalid_Scheduler (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid scheduling protocol"); -- -- Tasks widgets -- Lb_Task_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component name"); Lb_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component"); Lb_Task_Type (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Dispatch protocol"); Lb_Capacity (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute execution time"); Lb_Rule_For_Parametric_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activation rule only with user-defined thread component"); Lb_Select_Task_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a thread component first"); Lb_Task_Not_Permitted (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Operation not permitted with the selected thread component"); Lb_Have_To_Be_On_The_Same_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("have to be on the same processor component"); -- -- Buffers widgets -- Lb_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port"); Lb_Buffer_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port name"); Lb_Select_Buffer_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select an event data port first"); Lb_Bound_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Bound on event data ports"); Lb_Buffer_Information (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port information "); Lb_Buffer_List (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port list "); Lb_Role_List (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Threads using the event data port "); -- -- Resources widgets -- Lb_Resource_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component name"); Lb_Resource (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component"); Lb_Select_Resource_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a data component first"); Lb_Update_Resource_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid selected thread component"); Lb_Resource_Filter (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a data component"); Lb_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Concurrency control protocol"); Lb_Used_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Used concurrency control protocol : "); Lb_Resource_State (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component state (Integer) : "); Lb_Resources (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data components"); Lb_Resource_Affect (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component shared by threads "); Lb_Resource_Information (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data component information "); Lb_Invalid_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" Invalid data component concurrency control protocol "); Lb_Cpu_Filter (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a processor component"); -- -- Dependency graph widgets -- Lb_New_Buffer_Role (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("New event data port role"); -- -- AADL options widget -- Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_To_Precedencies (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event port to thread component precedencies"); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_Data_To_Precedencies (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event data port to thread component precedencies"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transform thread component precedencies to event port connections"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event_Data (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transform thread component precedencies to event data port connections"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Properties (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transform thread component precedencies to Cheddar's properties"); -- -- System entity checks -- Lb_are_unconsistent (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" are unconsistent"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Seed options ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Task_Specific (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component specific seed"); Lb_All_Predictable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Predictable for all thread components"); Lb_All_Unpredictable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Unpredictable for all thread components"); -- -- Shared resources logic -- Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "All data components have to use the same concurrency control protocol."); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Concurrency control protocol error : shared data components use protocol which does not work with the selected scheduling protocol." ); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Can not compute bound on blocking time with such shared data component concurrency control protocol." ); Lb_Has_Priority_Inversion (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" has a priority inversion on the data component "); Lb_Blocking_Time_Inject_Success (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Thread component blocking times are updated."); Lb_Blocking_Time_Inject_Failed (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Thread component blocking times are not updated."); -- -- Scheduling logic -- Lb_Feasibility_Number2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "2) Feasibility test based on worst case thread component response time : "); Lb_Priorities_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Thread components must be periodic : can not set priorities." ); Lb_Priorities_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Processor without tasks : can not set priorities."); Lb_Sched_Explanation1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "the thread component set is schedulable because the processor utilization factor " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "the thread component set is not schedulable because the processor utilization factor " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "we can not prove that the thread component set is schedulable because the processor utilization factor " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation5 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "the thread component set is schedulable because for each thread component "); Lb_Sched_Explanation6 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("the thread component set is not schedulable because "); Lb_Sched_Explanation62 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "one or many thread components doesn't/don't satisfy the processor utilization factor feasibility test" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation7 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" List of thread components not schedulable : "); Lb_Sched_Explanation8 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "we can not prove that thread components are schedulable because "); Lb_Sched_Explanation81 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "one or many thread components doesn't/don't satisfy the processor utilization factor feasibility test" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation82 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" List of concerned thread components : "); Lb_No_Deadline_Missed_In_The_Computed_Scheduling (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- No deadline missed in the computed scheduling : the thread component is schedulable if you computed the simulation on the hyperperiod." ); Lb_Cannot_Say_If_Deadline_will_be_Missed_In_The_Computed_Scheduling (current_language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- One or several tasks did not complete their execution : for those tasks, it is not possible to say if their deadline can be missed or not." ); Lb_No_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Schedulable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- All thread component deadlines will be met : the thread component set is schedulable." ); Lb_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Not_Schedulable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Some thread component deadlines will be missed : the thread component set is not schedulable." ); Lb_worst_case_Task_Response_Time (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Worst case thread component response time"); Lb_Task_Response_Time (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component response time"); Lb_Task_Response_Time_From_Simulation (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component response time computed from simulation"); Lb_Partitioning_Result (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Thread component assignement after partitioning "); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component model error : can not apply the selected scheduling protocol with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must be periodic : can not compute hyperperiod with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component model error : can not compute hyperperiod with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_4 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must have period equal to deadline : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_5 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must be periodic : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_6 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component model error : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_7 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Processor utilization exceeded : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_8 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Internal Error : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_9 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must be periodic : can not compute bound on processor utilization factor with period on this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_10 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component model error : can not compute processor utilization factor with period. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_11 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Several thread components have same priority level : can not apply the selected scheduling protocol with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_12 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component with non zero start time : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_13 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component with non zero offset : can not compute bound on response time with this thread component set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_14 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component must have period equal to deadline : can not apply the selected scheduling protocol with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_15 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component must be periodic : can not apply the selected scheduling protocol with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_21 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must have deadline > 0 : can not compute processor utilization factor with deadline on this thread component set. " ); Lb_Periodic (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Periodic thread component "); Lb_Aperiodic (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Aperiodic thread component "); Lb_Poisson_Process_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Poisson thread component "); Lb_Sporadic_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Sporadic thread component "); Lb_Parametric_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("User-defined thread component "); lb_task_is_not_over_response_time_is_not_computed (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( " response time not computed since the thread component did not run all its compute execution time" ); Lb_Run_Simulation_On_One_Processor_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Schedule all processor components"); Lb_Run_Feasibility_Tests_On_One_Processor_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" Feasibility on all processor components"); Lb_Partition_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not do partitioning : all processor components must have the same scheduling protocol." ); Lb_Partition_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not do partitioning : you must define more processor components."); Lb_Partition_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Invalid scheduling protocol : can not run scheduling partition. "); -- -- Buffer logic -- Lb_Buffer_Utilization (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port utilization factor : "); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Data flow constraint not respected : can not compute event data port bound with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must be periodic : can not compute event data port bound with this thread component set. " ); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread component model error : can not compute bound with several consumers. " ); Lb_Maximum_Buffer_Size (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Maximum number of messages in the event data port : "); Lb_Average_Buffer_Size (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Average number of messages in the event data port : "); -- -- Dependencies logic -- Lb_Precedencies_Period_Error (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not schedule with precedencies : thread component precedencies required that thread components have the same period." ); Lb_Chetto_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components must have the same period : can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz method on this thread component set." ); Lb_Chetto_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Thread components model error : can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz method on this thread component set. " ); else if (Current_Language = Francais) then Lb_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant thread"); Lb_Compute_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Analyse des event data ports par tests de faisabilité"); Lb_Draw_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Analyse des event data ports par simulation d'ordonnancement"); Lb_Compute_And_Update (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Calculer et mettre à jour les composants thread"); Lb_Compute_And_Update_One_Step (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Calculer et mettre à jour les composants thread : un pas "); Lb_Check_And_Update_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Vérification et mise jour des composants process"); Lb_Check_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Vérification des composants process"); Lb_Update_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Mise à jour des composants thread"); Lb_Update_Address_Space (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Mise à jour des composants process"); Lb_Update_Resource (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Mise à jour des composants data"); Lb_Update_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Mise à jour des event data ports"); Lb_Update_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Mise à jour des composants processor"); Lb_Resource_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant data inconnue"); Lb_Task_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant thread inconnu"); Lb_Address_Space_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant process inconnu"); Lb_Buffer_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port inconnu"); Lb_Processor_Not_Found (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant processor inconnu"); Lb_Define_Tasks_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Définir un composant thread d'abord"); Lb_Define_Address_Spaces_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Définir un composant process d'abord"); Lb_Define_Resources_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Définir un composant data d'abord"); Lb_Define_Buffers_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Définir un event data port d'abord"); Lb_Define_Processors_Before (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Définir un composant processor d'abord"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Tasks (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Impossible de définir d'autres composants thread"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Address_Spaces (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Impossible de définir d'autres composants process"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Resources (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Impossible de définir d'autres composants data"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Buffers (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Impossible de définir d'autres event data ports"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Processors (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Impossible de définir d'autres composants processor"); -- widget Lb_Scheduler (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling protocol"); -- -- Processors widgets -- Lb_Select_Processor_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choisissez un composant processor d'abord"); Lb_File_Name_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Nom de fichier invalide avec le scheduling protocol sélectionné"); Lb_Quantum_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Valeur du quantum invalide avec le scheduling protocol sélectionné"); Lb_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant processor "); Lb_Processor_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nom du composant processor"); Lb_Scheduler (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling protocol"); -- -- Address space widgets -- Lb_Address_Space_Name (Francais) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nom du composant process"); Lb_Address_Space (Francais) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant process"); Lb_Invalid_Scheduler (Francais) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling protocol invalide"); Lb_Select_Address_Space_First (Francais) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choisissez un composant process d'abord"); -- -- Tasks widgets -- Lb_Task_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nom du composant thread"); Lb_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant thread"); Lb_Task_Type (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Dispatch protocol"); Lb_Capacity (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute execution time"); Lb_Rule_For_Parametric_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Règle d'activation seulement avec un composant thread paramétrique"); Lb_Select_Task_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choisissez un composant thread d'abord"); Lb_Task_Not_Permitted (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Operation impossible pour le composant thread selectionné"); lb_context_switch_overhead (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Context switch overhead"); Lb_Have_To_Be_On_The_Same_Processor (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("doivent être positionnés sur le même composant processor"); -- -- Buffers widgets -- Lb_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event data port"); Lb_Buffer_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nom de l'event data port"); Lb_Select_Buffer_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choisissez un event data port d'abord"); Lb_Bound_Buffer (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Borne sur les event data port"); Lb_Buffer_Information (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Information sur l'event data port "); Lb_Buffer_List (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Liste des event data port "); Lb_Role_List (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composants thread utilisant l'event data port "); -- -- Resources widgets -- Lb_Resource_Name (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nom du composant data"); Lb_Resource (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant data"); Lb_Select_Resource_First (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choisissez un composant data d'abord"); Lb_Update_Resource_Control (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant thread selectionné invalide"); Lb_Resource_Filter (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Selectionner un composant data"); Lb_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Concurrency control protocol"); Lb_Used_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Concurrency control protocol utilisé : "); Lb_Resource_State (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Etat du composant data (Entier) : "); Lb_Resources (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composants data"); Lb_Resource_Affect (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Composant data partagée par les thread "); Lb_Resource_Information (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Information sur le composant data "); Lb_Invalid_Protocol (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( " Concurrency control protocol de partage de composant data invalide "); Lb_Cpu_Filter (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Selectionner un composant processor"); -- -- Dependency graph widgets -- Lb_New_Buffer_Role (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Nouveau rôle event data port"); -- -- AADL options widget -- Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_To_Precedencies (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transformer les event ports en précédence de composants thread"); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_Data_To_Precedencies (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transformer les event data ports en précédence de composants thread"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transformer les précédences de composants thread en event ports"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event_Data (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transformer les précédences de composants thread en event data ports"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Properties (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Transformer les précédences de composants thread en propriétés Cheddar"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Seed options ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Task_Specific (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Spécifiques aux composants thread"); Lb_All_Predictable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Prévisible pour toutes les composants thread"); Lb_All_Unpredictable (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Imprévisible pour toutes les composants thread"); -- -- Shared resources logic -- Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Toutes les composants data doivent utiliser le même concurrency control protocol." ); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur de concurrency control protocol : protocole de partage de composant data incompatible avec le scheduling protocol sélectionné." ); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Impossible de calculer une borne sur les temps de blocage avec ce concurrency control protocol." ); Lb_Has_Priority_Inversion (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( " est victime d'une inversion de priorité sur le composant data "); -- -- Scheduling logic -- Lb_Priorities_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : impossible de modifier les priorités."); Lb_Priorities_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composant processor sans threads : impossible de modifier les priorités."); Lb_Sched_Explanation1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "les composants thread sont ordonnancables car le taux d'utilisation processeur " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "les composants thread ne sont pas ordonnancables car le taux d'utilisation processeur " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "il n'est pas possible de prouver que les composants thread sont ordonnancables car le taux d'utilisation processeur " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation5 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "le jeu de composants thread est ordonnancable car pour chaque composant thread " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation6 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("le jeu de composants thread n'est pas ordonnancable car "); Lb_Sched_Explanation62 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "un ou plusieurs composants thread ne remplissent pas le test de faisabilité sur le taux d'utilisation processeur" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation7 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" Liste des composants thread non ordonnancables : "); Lb_Sched_Explanation8 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "il n'est pas possible de prouver que le jeu de composants thread est ordonnancable car " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation81 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "un ou plusieurs composants thread ne remplissent pas le test de faisabilité sur le taux d'utilisation processeur" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation82 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" Liste des composants thread concernés : "); Lb_No_Deadline_Missed_In_The_Computed_Scheduling (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Aucune échéance de manquée dans la simulation d'ordonnancement : le jeu de composants thread semble être ordonnançable." ); Lb_No_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Schedulable ( Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Toutes les échéances seront respectées : le jeu de composants thread est ordonnançable." ); Lb_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Not_Schedulable ( Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Certaines échéances ne seront pas respectées : le jeu de composants thread n'est pas ordonnançable." ); Lb_worst_case_Task_Response_Time (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Pire temps de réponse des composants thread"); Lb_Task_Response_Time (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Temps de réponse des composants thread : "); Lb_Task_Response_Time (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Temps de réponse des composants thread"); Lb_Task_Response_Time_From_Simulation (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "Temps de réponse des composants thread calculé à partir de la simulation"); Lb_Partitioning_Result (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Placement des composants thread après partitionnement"); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : le scheduling protocol sélectionnée est incompatible." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : impossible de calculer la période d'étude avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : impossible de calculer la période d'étude avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_4 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composant thread avec périodes différentes des échéances : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_5 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_6 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_7 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Taux d'utilisation trôp élevé : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_8 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur interne : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_9 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : impossible de calculer un taux d'utilisation basé sur les périodes avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_10 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : impossible de calculer un taux d'utilisation avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_11 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec priorité identique : le scheduling protocol sélectionnée est incompatible." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_12 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec date d'arrivée > à zéro : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_13 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec offset différents de zéro : impossible de calculer les bornes des temps de réponse avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_14 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec périodes différentes des échéances : le scheduling protocol sélectionné est incompatible." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_15 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : le scheduling protocol sélectionné est incompatible." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_21 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec échéance nulle : impossible de calculer un taux d'utilisation basé sur les échéances avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Periodic (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Le composant thread périodique "); Lb_Aperiodic (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Le composant thread apériodique "); Lb_Poisson_Process_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Le composant thread processus de Poisson "); Lb_Sporadic_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Le composant thread sporadique "); Lb_Parametric_Task (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Le composant thread paramétrique "); lb_task_is_not_over_response_time_is_not_computed ( Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( " temps de reponse non calcule car le composant thread n'a pas terminé son compute execution time" ); Lb_Run_Simulation_On_One_Processor_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("Ordonnance tous les composants processor"); Lb_Run_Feasibility_Tests_On_One_Processor_Only (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String (" Faisabilité sur tous les composants processor"); Lb_Partition_Error1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Impossible de partitionner : tous les composants processeur doivent avoir le même scheduling protocol." ); Lb_Partition_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Impossible de partitionner : nombre de composant processeur insuffisant."); Lb_Partition_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Scheduling protocol invalide : impossible de calculer le partitionnement."); -- -- Buffer logic -- Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_1 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Contrainte de débit non respectée : impossible de calculer la borne de l'event data port tampon avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread non périodiques : impossible de calculer la borne de l'event data port avec ce jeu de composants thread." ); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : impossible de calculer la borne de l'event data port avec plusieurs consommateurs. " ); Lb_Maximum_Buffer_Size (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Nombre maximum de message dans l'event data port : "); Lb_Average_Buffer_Size (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Nombre moyen de message dans l'event data port : "); -- -- Dependencies logic -- Lb_Precedencies_Period_Error (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Imposible d'ordonnancer avec les contraintes de precedence : les composants thread ayant des contraintes de précédence doivent avoir une période identique." ); Lb_Chetto_Error2 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Composants thread avec des périodes différentes : impossible d'appliquer la méthode de Chetto/Blazewicz. " ); Lb_Chetto_Error3 (Current_Language) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Erreur sur le modèle de composant thread : impossible d'appliquer la méthode de Chetto/Blazewicz. " ); end if; end if; end Initialize; end Translate.AADL_Labels;