with scheduler_dfa;use scheduler_dfa; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package scheduler_io is user_input_file : File_Type; user_output_file : File_Type; NULL_IN_INPUT : exception; AFLEX_INTERNAL_ERROR : exception; UNEXPECTED_LAST_MATCH : exception; PUSHBACK_OVERFLOW : exception; AFLEX_SCANNER_JAMMED : exception; type eob_action_type is ( EOB_ACT_RESTART_SCAN, EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE, EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH); YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR : constant Character := ASCII.NUL; yy_n_chars : Integer; -- number of characters read into --yy_ch_buf -- true when we've seen an EOF for the current input file yy_eof_has_been_seen : Boolean; procedure YY_INPUT (buf : out unbounded_character_array; result : out Integer; max_size : in Integer); function yy_get_next_buffer return eob_action_type; procedure yyunput (c : Character; yy_bp : in out Integer); procedure unput (c : Character); function input return Character; procedure output (c : Character); function yywrap return Boolean; procedure Open_Input (fname : in Unbounded_String); procedure Close_Input; procedure Create_Output (fname : in String := ""); procedure Close_Output; end scheduler_io;