with Ada.Numerics.Aux; use Ada.Numerics.Aux; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with Scheduling_Analysis; use Scheduling_Analysis; with Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA; use Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA; with Task_Set; use Task_Set; with Tasks; use Tasks; with Tasks.Extended; use Tasks.Extended; with Priority_Assignment.Utility; use Priority_Assignment.Utility; with Cache_Set; use Cache_Set; with CFG_Nodes.Extended; use CFG_Nodes.Extended; package Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA_CRPD_Tree is OPTIMIZE_MEMORY : Boolean := TRUE; OPTIMIZE_NODES : Boolean := TRUE; CRPD_COMPUTATION : Boolean := TRUE; -------------------------------- -- Perform feasibilitty testing with CRPD Interference computed by Tree solution -- -------------------------------- procedure OPA_Feasibility_Test_CRPD (priority_level : in Integer; number_of_task : in Integer; i_task : in out Generic_Task_Ptr; my_tasks : in out Tasks_Set; a_tuea : in Task_UCB_ECB_Array_Ptr; is_schedulable : out Boolean); type Task_Activation_Type is (PREEMPTION, DENY_PREEMPTION, NO_EXECUTING_JOB); --------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------- procedure Compute_CRPD_Tree (tDi : in Integer; number_of_task : in Integer; state : in Boolean := true; index : in Task_Release_Records_Range; -- IMPORTANT: index = a_node.index + 1; assessing_job_index : in Task_Release_Records_Range; counter : in out Integer; a_node : in out CRPD_Node_Ptr; time : in Integer; -- Release time of the job with index: index-1 is_schedulable : in out Boolean); -- Release time of the job with index: index-1); -- Release time of the job with index: index --------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------- procedure Assess_Release_Set (a_trrt : in out Task_Release_Records_Table_Ptr; tDi : in Integer; number_of_task : in Integer := 0; assessing_job_index : in Task_Release_Records_Range; is_schedulable : in out Boolean); end Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA_CRPD_Tree;