with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with Scheduling_Analysis; use Scheduling_Analysis; with Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA; use Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA; with Task_Set; use Task_Set; with Tasks; use Tasks; with Tasks.Extended; use Tasks.Extended; with Integer_Arrays; use Integer_Arrays; with Priority_Assignment.Utility; use Priority_Assignment.Utility; with Cache_Set; use Cache_Set; with Cache_Block_Set; use Cache_Block_Set; with Cache_Access_Profile_Set; use Cache_Access_Profile_Set; package Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA_CRPD is procedure Check_Input_Data (my_tasks : in Tasks_Set; my_cache_access_profiles : in Cache_Access_Profiles_Set); type CRPD_Inteference_Computation_Complexity is (ECB_Only, PT_Simplified, PT_Binomial_Coefficient, Tree); -------------------------------- --Perform the Audsley's optimal priority assignment with CRPD taken into account --Return the task set with assigned task priorities -------------------------------- -- High level call to Audsley OPA CRPD -- procedure Set_Priority_According_To_CPA (My_Tasks : in out Tasks_Set; My_Cache_Access_Profiles : in Cache_Access_Profiles_Set; Computation_Complexity : in CRPD_Inteference_Computation_Complexity := PT_Simplified; Processor_Name : in Unbounded_String := empty_string); -- Lower level call to Audsley OPA CRPD -- Perform computation and assign priorities to task -- procedure CPA (my_tasks : in out Tasks_Set; my_cache_access_profiles : in Cache_Access_Profiles_Set; complexity : in CRPD_Inteference_Computation_Complexity := PT_Simplified); end Priority_Assignment.Audsley_OPA_CRPD;