with paes_Utilities; use paes_Utilities; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; use Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers; generic ------------------------- -- Generic subprograms -- ------------------------- -- User should define these generic subprograms -- according to the MOO problem solved with -- the exhaustive method -- -- This procedure allow to enumerate all the solutions in the -- search space -- with procedure generate_next_solution (s : in out solution; m : in out chrom_Type; space_search_is_exhausted : out boolean); -- This function is dedicated to check the feasibility of each -- explored solution -- with function Check_feasibility (s : in solution; eidx : in Natural) return boolean; -- This procedure allows to evaluate each solution according -- the set of objectives -- with procedure evaluate (s : in out solution; eidx : in Natural); -- This procedure normalizes the chromosome representation -- of a solution to avoid redondant chromosome representation -- with procedure normalize (s : in out solution); procedure Exhaustive_method_general_form;