with Paes_Utilities; use Paes_Utilities; with Chromosome_Data_Manipulation; use Chromosome_Data_Manipulation; with Systems; use Systems; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random ; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random ; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; -- This package defines a set of objective functions -- and implements the feasibility checks on candidate -- solutions of the F2T architecture exploration problem -- package Objective_Functions_and_Feasibility_Checks is -- FitnessFunctions is an array of possible objective functions -- that could be combined in order to drive -- the design space exploration -- type fitnessFunction is record Name : Unbounded_String; Is_selected : integer; -- 0 ==> is NOT selected | 1 ==> is selected end record; MAX_FITNESS : constant integer := 11; FitnessFunctions : array (1 .. MAX_FITNESS) of fitnessFunction; Procedure initialize_FitnessFunctions; -- This function checks if a solution is consistent or not : -- 1) Check for each task of the candidate solution that Ci <= Di -- 2) Check that the total processor Utilization <= 1 -- 3) check if there are two non-harmonic functions which are -- grouped alone in the same task. -- function Check_Feasibility_of_A_Solution (s : in solution; eidx : in Natural) return boolean; -- This procedure update a solution "s" with its objective values -- by retrieving some informations from its scheduling simulation -- results that was done to check its schedulability (throughout -- the feasibility checks procedure) -- procedure evaluate_F2T (s : in out solution; eidx : in Natural); end Objective_Functions_and_Feasibility_Checks;