//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This package was automatically generated from EXPRESS (ISO STEP 10303 part11) // by a java generator build with the meta CASE tool Platypus // (alain.plantec@univ-brest.fr) // // Please, be aware that any hand-made updating of this file can be lost!!. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package CheddarBridge; import java.util.*; import step.core.*; public class Cache_System extends Generic_Object { private static String EntityName = "CACHE_SYSTEM"; private ArrayList caches_; public static String EntityName() { return EntityName; } public String entityName() { return EntityName(); } public boolean isInstanceOf(String entName) { return entName.equals(EntityName); } public boolean isKindOf(String entName) { return entName.equals(EntityName) ? true : super.isKindOf(entName); } public void initializeExplicitAttributes() { super.initializeExplicitAttributes(); caches_ = new ArrayList(); } public Cache_System () { initializeExplicitAttributes(); } public Cache_System (step.core.StepCoreRepository _repo) { super(_repo); initializeExplicitAttributes(); } public void setCaches(ArrayList _v) { if (_v == null) { caches_ = null; } else { if (caches_ == null) { caches_ = new ArrayList(); } else { caches_.clear(); } caches_.addAll(_v); } } public void cachesAdd (Generic_Cache _elem) { if (caches_ == null) { caches_ = new ArrayList(); } caches_.add(_elem); } public boolean cachesRemove(Generic_Cache _elem) { if (caches_ != null) { return caches_.remove(_elem); } return false; } public boolean cachesRemoveAll(ArrayList _v) { if (caches_ != null) { return caches_.removeAll(_v); } return false; } public void cachesAddAll(ArrayList _v) { if (caches_ == null) { caches_ = new ArrayList(); } caches_.addAll(_v); } public Generic_Cache cachesSet (int _pos, Generic_Cache _elem) { return caches_.set(_pos, _elem); } public ArrayList getCaches() { return caches_; } public int cachesSize () { return caches_ == null ? 0 : caches_.size(); } public Generic_Cache cachesGet (int _pos) { return caches_.get(_pos); } public void accept(CheddarBridge_AbstractVisitor visitor ) { visitor.accept((Cache_System) this); } public step.core.StepCoreObjectReaderWriter readerWriter() { return new Cache_SystemStepRW(); } public boolean replaceReferenceWith(StepCoreObject oldObj, StepCoreObject newObj) { boolean done = false; for (ListIterator itori = getCaches().listIterator(); itori.hasNext(); ) { if (itori.next() == oldObj ) { if (newObj == null) { itori.remove(); } else { itori.set((Generic_Cache)newObj); } done = true; } } if (super.replaceReferenceWith(oldObj, newObj)) { done = true; } return done; } }